Legislative: Gaël Barbotin (LR), in the 10th constituency of Yvelines, sees himself “passing the second round”

Legislative: Gaël Barbotin (LR), in the 10th constituency of Yvelines, sees himself “passing the second round”
Legislative: Gaël Barbotin (LR), in the 10th constituency of Yvelines, sees himself “passing the second round”

At 63, Gaël Barbotin, former local and regional elected official, is entering the legislative race for the first time, wearing the colors of the Republicans (LR).

Fully “aware of the limits” that running under the LR label can cause, Gaël Barbotin, 63, is seeking the mandate of deputy for the 10th constituency of Yvelines (Rambouillet) for the first time. “When you are passionate, you fully invest yourself,” slips the former local and regional elected official for almost 25 years.

“My roots in the region are my strength. I have lived in Rambouillet since 1973. People respect me and recognize in me a certain quality of listening and empathy.”

Gaël Barbotin (empty)

“Cards in hand”

“Aspired by the local political world” in the 90s alongside Gérard Larcher, in particular, Gaël Barbotin got involved to “try to do something for others”. First through the associative fabric, from 1989, “by organizing shows but also with a theater troupe, festivals, etc.”

Since the end of his mandate as regional councilor of Île-de-France, in 2021, “I took the necessary step back in politics to see how things were organized. This will allow me, as a deputy, to meet expectations more effectively. Consistency equals confidence.

1er avril 1961. Birth of Gaël Barbotin in Denain (North). 1995-2020. Municipal councilor then deputy delegate and first deputy in Rambouillet. 2015-2021. Regional councilor for Île-de-France. Since 2020. Chairman of the supervisory board of the Bullion pediatric and rehabilitation hospital.

His “different hats”, focused on economic development, finance, sport or even education, during his different mandates, give him “a maximum of cards in hand”, to carry the concerns of the 10th district of Yvelines ” calmly, without insults.

Faced with his opponents, “who make their CV their trademark”, the candidate says he is “entirely confident”. The Republicans, who reached 11.91% in Rambouillet during the European elections, stood at 17.13% in the constituency during the 2022 election.

Legislative: discover the complete list of candidates running in Eure-et-Loir and Yvelines

“These are elections which have nothing to do with each other. For the legislative elections, the inhabitants want the incarnation of the territories of Rambouillet and surrounding areas. With Daniel Gorin, deputy, elected from Garancières for years, we represent the city and rurality . I know I will make it through the second round.”

Even if defeat is not envisaged, Gaël Barbotin “does not imagine a coalition. You do not leave your family when there are outbursts of voice. LR is an ideological corpus, values ​​and thoughts which ‘have always been alive.’

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Jade Saved



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