Our gaming advice for the R4 of Vincennes this Tuesday, June 25

The meeting horse

303 Karma Power (17h45) : This resident of William Bigeon has made a magnificent start to his career, with 4 victories in 5 races. Finally, he outclassed the opposition in Laval, in the excellent kilometer reduction of 1’14″5 on the 2,850 meter course. For his debut in Vincennes, he can sign his fifth victory.

The attractive outsider

704 La Reine de Beylev (19h59): This filly trained by Charles Cuiller had shown her quality at the age of 2, triumphing brilliantly on the Argentan track. Then, she was unable to shine but she faced fillies such as Little Orélie and Lyzia des Agets. There, the opposition seems to be on its ropes. Possible surprise.

The driver to follow: Antonin André

The young 21-year-old jockey has good theoretical chances in this Parisian meeting. For his training, the one who approaches the 100 victories mark presents the scultural Just Pacha (204). This 5-year-old gelding remains on three choice performances on reference racecourses. Despite quality opposition, he has the means to get involved in the final package. At the end of the program, Antonin finds Libero of the Dungeon (805), with whom he has just taken an excellent second place in Amiens, very easily ahead of La Chenevière, who won during the following outing in Caen. Wise and diligent, the tandem can certainly secure a place on the podium.

The coach to follow: Noël Langlois

Based in the South-West of France, Noël Langlois is making a long and ambitious trip with two of his residents. In the mounted trotting race reserved for 5 year olds, he delegates Jipcho Skill (210) to Jean-Yann Ricart. This son of Brissac is in good shape and his last two races in this specialty ended with a victory and a first runner-up. Before the fact, it’s a great theoretical chance. In the last event, the winner of the last Prix de Cornulier with Esperanza Idole presents Loustic (807). Honorable third for his first outing of the year, he then dominated the proceedings at the Toulouse racecourse. Confirmed on the left, he should logically fight for the very first places.

Some interesting statistics:

215 Jupiter du Perche: Ascended – 5 races – 1 victory – 3 places – 100% in the 4

711 Léona du Gîte: Ridden – 2 races – 1 victory – 1 place

808 Loti Solo: Ascended – 2 races – 1 victory – 1 place



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