AIDS: a new preventive treatment to end the epidemic?

AIDS: a new preventive treatment to end the epidemic?
AIDS: a new preventive treatment to end the epidemic?

The Gilead laboratory announced on Friday June 20 the success of the clinical trials of its new drug entitled Sunlenca, based on the administration of an antiviral molecule with original functioning. What does this treatment consist of? Why does this approach mark a major step forward for medical research into HIV? Should we fear drug resistance to these new treatments?

A more effective molecule

Pour Olivier Schwartz, director of the “Virus and Immunity” unit at the Pasteur Institute, the new molecule, called Lenacapavir, presents two promising characteristics. “ On the one hand, it does not act on the enzymes of the virus to prevent it from multiplying, as do most of the treatments available so far, but will attack the capsid of the virus, its shell. It’s like a kind of football that contains the genetic material of the virus. The administered molecule will dissolve all its components. » Second major advantage, Lenacapavir is a very long-acting molecule with “ stability in the body for several months » underlines the researcher. No more daily taking of PrEP which exposes you to compliance problems. From now on, a single subcutaneous injection could protect the patient for six months. So far, clinical trials have shown 100% effectiveness of the new treatment.

Obstacles remain

These are therefore promising figures, but several elements call for caution. The announcement of the results was made in a press release by the Gilead laboratory which is at the origin of the research, and the independent scientific article on the subject is still awaited. Even if ” the results are clear » assure Olivier Schwartz. Gilead is also continuing its trials and the latest figures should be known at the end of 2025. However, marketing will not be for tomorrow, Sunlenca must still be authorized by the national and European drug authorities. The question of its price will also arise and affect its overall effectiveness in reducing the level of HIV infections. On this point, it is a question of political will, says the researcher.

Food for thought with René Frydman Listen later

Lecture listen 44 min



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