VAT on digital services takes effect on July 1

VAT on digital services takes effect on July 1
VAT on digital services takes effect on July 1
In a press release, the Dgid specifies that under the applicable legal and regulatory provisions, those subject to
foreigners regularly registered with the management of large companies are required to collect and remit, no later than the 20th of the month following each calendar quarter, the tax payable on sales of intangible goods and services made for the benefit of local customers, to namely businesses, specific entities or individuals.

The press release underlines that in the event of lack of proof of regular registration of the foreign digital company, the local taxable person has the obligation to withhold and pay the VAT payable in accordance with article 355 of the CGI.

Foreign online providers and operators of foreign digital platforms can register in Senegal and receive their login and password remotely and electronically via the link .

VAT declaration and payment formalities are carried out via the “Etax” online declaration platform from the address https//

The list of foreign online providers and operators of subject foreign digital platforms regularly registered in Senegal will be the subject of an updated publication on the Dgid website

Digital companies domiciled abroad, local companies and entities subject to VAT and individuals are invited to use the information contained in the implementing decree which will be published on the DGID website: https: //

The services of the Department of Large Enterprises, manager of the tax files of interested suppliers and operators, remain available for any additional information, at the following numbers: 78 664 81 81; 78,664 82 82; 78 664 83 83 and at the following email address: [email protected].

Bassirou MBAYE




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