Martine Balout’s passion for history

Martine Balout’s passion for history
Martine Balout’s passion for history

Martine Balout marked her time as heritage director of the City of Périgueux with an unfailing commitment to the preservation and enhancement of the city’s rich cultural heritage. We discover our passion

Martine Balout, from her childhood, was already passionate about history. Growing up surrounded by books and historical stories, she developed a fascination with ancient monuments and the stories they hold. His frequent visits to museums and historical sites with his family fueled his desire to learn more about past civilizations and significant events. This early passion for history naturally destined her for a career dedicated to heritage preservation.
Over time, Martine Balout felt the need to share her passion with others. Having become director of heritage for the City of Périgueux, she implemented numerous initiatives aimed at raising public awareness of the importance of heritage conservation. Through exhibitions, guided tours and educational events, it has captivated the attention of locals and visitors, making history accessible and alive for all. His educational approach and contagious enthusiasm have greatly contributed to the community’s commitment to preserving their cultural heritage.

City of Art and History

One of Martine Balout’s most notable achievements, at least the one she holds most dear to her heart, is obtaining the “City of Art and History” label for the city of Périgueux. This prestigious label, awarded by the Ministry of Culture, recognizes the city’s efforts in promoting its architectural and historical heritage.

Today, Martine is no longer director of heritage for the City of Périgueux, but continues to share her passion through her company “Historia Cité”, with which she shares her anecdotes and stories during private and unusual visits to Périgueux. A new activity not easy to build on your own, but fortunately Martine was able to count on her children, young entrepreneurs also to open her own business.



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