Education: how many non-contract schools are there in Vannes?

Education: how many non-contract schools are there in Vannes?
Education: how many non-contract schools are there in Vannes?


Elodie Lepicq

Published on

June 24, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

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In Vannes (Morbihan), there are three schools say out of contract. Two of them are Catholic schools. The third is a Montessori school bilingual French and English. In September 2023-2024these three schools combined counted 243 students.

Where are the schools outside the Vannes contract?

HAS Valvesat the start of the school year in September 2023, there were 5,007 students, all schools combined. Among them, 243 students made their return in 3 so-called non-contract schools. At the start of the 2022 school year, there were 211 children in school.

In the south of the city, there is the nursery and elementary school La Passerellea Montessori school, bilingual French and English.

Not far from the Prefecture of Morbihan, is the Catholic school Sainte-Philomena and finally in the Téninio district is the Catholic school Our Lady of Toulvern.

The characteristics of a non-contract school

Schools out of contract are establishments which have not passed contract with the statein the sense of Debré law of 1959. They then do not benefit fromno subsidy of the Ministry of National Education.

These establishments are characterized by a freedom of pedagogy and program, they are not required to follow the official programs.

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However, they must help students acquire the knowledge of the common core of skills.

THE teachers of these establishments are employees and their salary remains the responsibility of the establishment.

Although the State plays a small role in these establishments, their opening is subject to a statement prior to the racademy director where it is installed. From the first year of creation of the establishment, an inspection will be carried out. Other inspections will take place subsequently, for cadministrative controlsbut also educational.

When a child from a non-contract school wishes to join a public middle or high school, then he will be asked to complete a test d’admission.

This exam covers the main subjects taught in the student’s current and future establishment. Its content is defined by the Daesen (Academic Director of National Education Services).

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