Marseille: trash cans overflow at Saint-Charles station and in the metros, well-attended strike

Marseille: trash cans overflow at Saint-Charles station and in the metros, well-attended strike
Marseille: trash cans overflow at Saint-Charles station and in the metros, well-attended strike


Jeremy Attali

Published on

June 24, 2024 at 9:21 a.m.

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Like last year at this time, trash cans are piling up in Marseille, at Saint-Charles station and in the metros.

In question, a strike at Lasera subcontracting company, which manages cleaning and waste collection for the SNCF and RTM in the Marseille city.

The strike continues this week

The strike began last week and continues. This Monday morning, going down the stairs to reach a metro, the empty beer cans and others used glass bottles welcome travelers from Castellane station.

A little further on, this time the trash cans are piling up and overflowing, before the eyes of the children and their parents. The observation is the same in several other metro stations, such as the Old Port, for example, although to a lesser extent.

At the Old Port, this trash can overflows into the metro station. (©Lola Fourt / - Marseille)
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Bonuses and salaries not paid?

Employees of the Laser company are demanding, to put an end to this social movement, better working conditions, but also the payment of bonuses and salaries, according to them, which have not been paid, specify our colleagues from France Blue Provence.

Last year, in Marseille, the Saint-Charles station was already overflowing under the weight of uncollected waste. (©Bérénice VASAK / Marseille News / Archives)

Last year, the company’s employees’ strike led to serious trash problems in the subways and at the station. When questioned, several traders in Saint-Charles deplored the filth, even if they “understood” that employees defend their rights.

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