The Confédération Paysanne calls for demonstrations against the arrival of Burger King in Périgueux

The Confédération Paysanne calls for demonstrations against the arrival of Burger King in Périgueux
The Confédération Paysanne calls for demonstrations against the arrival of Burger King in Périgueux

The Confédération Paysanne asks the CGR group to renounce putting a sign of this type within its walls“. The peasant confederation of Dordogne calls for the abandonment of the fast-food installation project on Place Francheville in Périgueux. “It is contrary to the political project that we carry“had already regretted France Blue Périgord the mayor of Périgueux, Delphine Labail.

“87% of its products do not meet nutritional criteria”

The union denounces the arrival of this third “Burger King” restaurant in the Périgueux area.this time in the center of the city, at a time when the town hall of Périgueux is applying to UNESCO to be labeled “Ville gourmand”. According to the Peasant Confederation “This brand mainly targets young people, as it is located near educational establishments. Irresponsible decision, when 87% of its products do not meet WHO nutritional criteria, and one in six children in France suffers from obesity or overweight.

A weekend event

A demonstration is organized this Friday June 28 at 1 p.m. in front of the CGR cinema, place Francheville in Périgueux.



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