Pickpockets take advantage of the 24 Hours of Le Mans to steal from the tram

Pickpockets take advantage of the 24 Hours of Le Mans to steal from the tram
Pickpockets take advantage of the 24 Hours of Le Mans to steal from the tram


Editorial Le Mans

Published on

June 24, 2024 at 5:52 a.m.

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On the sidelines of the 24 hours of Le Mans (Sarthe), three men stole credit cards to tramway passers-by on June 14 and 16.

Pickpockets on the tram

The ride was well oiled. Came to Le Mans to attend the 24 hours of Le Mans according to them, three men spotted people in The tramway and followed them when they headed towards bank ATMs.

After noting the code of their victims’ bank cards, the pickpockets stole credit cards of the latter and withdrew money.

The three men’s act, which took place on June 14 and 16, 2024, ended up attracting the attention of people who found them suspicious and called the police.

Filmed by surveillance cameras

Placed in police custody, the three men, aged 45, 50 and 54, from Romania, explained that they did not know each other and that they had come to Le Mans to attend the 24 Hours of Le Mans, even if They didn’t seem to have any knowledge, even sketchy, about the race and everything that takes place there. The images of video surveillance made it possible to formally identify them.

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In court, the three men maintained that they did not know each other, that they had come to attend the 24 Hours of Le Mans without a ticket and that they planned to buy some on the spot, on the black market.

One of them denied having committed the acts with which he is accused and which date from June 14, 2024.

“You have mature people who have chosen to come to France to engage in this activity,” declared the prosecutor, who requested 12 months in prison for all of the defendants.

3 months in prison

At the end of the deliberations, the youngest of the defendants was acquitted for the acts of June 14, 2024. All three were found guilty for the acts of June 16, 2024 and sentenced to 3 months in prison.

They are kept in detention.

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