Occitanie: liberal nurses denounce the extortion of proxies from the most vulnerable

Occitanie: liberal nurses denounce the extortion of proxies from the most vulnerable
Occitanie: liberal nurses denounce the extortion of proxies from the most vulnerable


Gil Martin

Published on

June 23, 2024 at 12:32 p.m.

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Jean-François Bouscarainliberal field nurse in Montpellieris also president of the Regional Union of Nursing Health Professionals of Occitanie -URPS-, a body which helps its colleagues on a daily basis in their practice and which represents 14,000 liberal nurses in Occitania.

He alerts this Friday June 21, 2024 to a situation, according to him particularly shocking : “For several days I have been receiving calls from liberal nurses who denounce the current enterprise of certain individuals and political activists on elderly and/or fragile patients, in order to obtain their voting proxy in the next legislative elections.

“Spear phishing” of the proxy

Jean-François Bouscarain denounces a modus operandi established thanks to testimonies: “These individuals use a misleading speech to manage to enter the homes of vulnerable people and make them sign the powers of attorney… The collapse of ethical values ​​seems to affect certain candidates and I deplore that this political campaign leads to the flourishing of cheating at the expense of the most vulnerable… The URPS denounces these facts and I confirm that liberal nurses refuse to be the main witnesses of the proxy spear phishing » !

“Don’t let it happen and denounce”

The president of the Regional Union of Nursing Health Professionals of Occitanie sends a strong message to the 14,000 liberal nurses in the region, whom he considers to be “ sentries of the security of the most vulnerable in their homes: we must denounce these despicable actions ! We already have more than twenty reports in Occitania, and we are undoubtedly well below reality, with cases where nurses have come face to face with “canvassers”. My colleagues told them that they did not have the right to come and make proxies, this act being reserved for families.”

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Nurses on standby

Jean-François Bouscarain encourages nurses not to let it happen : “Our profession is one of the last ramparts faced with the exploitation of the fragility and the dehumanization of our most fragile patients, who seem for some, for a brief moment, to once again become an object of desire… I repeat: the elderly cannot be considered as prey. Nurses must therefore be vigilant and denounce the spear phishing of proxies.”

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