200 people responded to the Feminist Alert call against the far-right

200 people responded to the Feminist Alert call against the far-right
200 people responded to the Feminist Alert call against the far-right

“We know that our rights are never acquired forever. The right to vote, the right to abortion, the right to gender transition, the right to work, the right to be protected from violence and discrimination. We owe these advances to the struggles of our elders…” At the microphone, perched on the platform of a truck, an activist addresses the crowd this Sunday, June 23, 2024 at the end of the morning, at the foot of the Donjon of Niort. Nearly 200 people responded to the call from the Feminist Alert collective to demonstrate to raise the alarm about the prospect of the National Rally coming to power. Similar gatherings took place in around thirty cities in France. The Deux-Sèvres inter-union called for participation.

“All these rights have often been attacked or suppressed by the far-right in power elsewhere in Europe”, underlined a speaker, citing the case of Giorgia Meloni’s Italy, where lesbian couples are prohibited from medically assisted procreation. Or the case of Poland where, in 2021, abortion has been almost completely banned.

“Far-right ideas particularly target women, minorities and the most vulnerable in our society”declared the organizers.

In Deux-Sèvres, the Feminist Alert collective brings together Family Planning, the Pride Deux-Sèvres movement, All of us 79, the CFDT, the CGT, FSU, Solidaires and Unsa. The day before, Saturday June 22 in Bressuire, 200 people took part in a rally against the far-right.



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