Amateur rugby: UA Saverdun in the Federal 3 final after an incredible end to the match

Amateur rugby: UA Saverdun in the Federal 3 final after an incredible end to the match
Amateur rugby: UA Saverdun in the Federal 3 final after an incredible end to the match

the essential
Trailing until stoppage time, UA Saverdun scored two tries which opened the doors to the final of the French Federal 3 championship, next Sunday against Servian Boujan. A victory as unreal as it was deserved (15-13).

In the stands, the 600 Saverdun supporters continue to encourage their players. Despite being 10 points behind, they still believe in it. The minutes tick by and Villeneuve-sur-Lot still leads 3-13. A gap that could be crippling for any team. Not for Saverdun this season. The last minutes will undoubtedly go down in the history books. Blocked in their camp almost the entire second half, RC Villeneuve-sur-Lot made wonderful use of the crumbs that the UAS left them. The Lot-et-Garonnais finally return to the Ariège camp. From the 40m at an angle, Valy probably has the winning penalty at the end of his foot. The ball lands just at the foot of the posts. Saverdun raises again and makes a mistake for the umpteenth time. This time, it’s done. But, almost facing the bars, Valy found the left post (73rd). UA Saverdun remains alive. And, as for many minutes, plays almost all the balls in his hands. With the energy of hope. The thirty actors are exhausted. And, as against Pays Saint-Jeannais, the UAS makes the difference physically. His bench entered in the second half restored the momentum. 10 points difference, 5 minutes to play, nothing is lost. Stoppages in play are increasing. The Lot-et-Garonnais are in dire straits, Saverdun is multiplying the penaltouches. And, finally, Adrien Lacoste, pushed by all of Ariège, finally crosses the line (80th). Failing until then, Séguéla misses the transformation (9-13). Saverdun must still score a try to see, at least, the extension. Before the dismissal, the referee indicates 4 minutes of stoppage time. This seems like a pittance. No matter, Saverdun goes back into battle. The tension is indescribable. As soon as a breach opens, the UAS rushes into it and moves up the terrain. W. Jolly receives a yellow card, Villeneuve-sur-Lot will play the last seconds at 14 (80th + 4). The stoppages of play follow one another, the referee lets the time run out. Penalty, the penaltouche is imposed. The clock shows 80th + 7. Impeccable ball handling, the maul is organized, everyone comes to push and it’s Mathias Lledos who crosses the line. It’s madness. Saverdun will at least play overtime. But Bastien Séguéla has resources. In the corner, he sends the ball high. The seconds are endless, the sideline referees raise their flag, Saverdun goes in front for the first time in the match (15-13, 80th + 7). The last cartridge is for Villeneuve-sur-Lot. Saverdun avoids making mistakes and scratches THE balloon of happiness. Deliverance after an epic fight. We will forget the 13 points conceded in 4 minutes while Villeneuve-sur-Lot played with 14, we will forget the countless forwards. But we will remember this heart, these fabulous supporters and this thirst to win. Next week, against Servian-Boujan (35-15 winner of Vercq yesterday), the UAS will have the opportunity to win a title of French Federal 3 champion, 55 years after that won by the illustrious alumni.
Sport can be terribly cruel and terribly beautiful. Yesterday, the disappointment of the Lot-et-Garonnais was terrible. It obviously contrasted with the joy of the Ariégeois. The fight was immense. But there is one thing that is obvious, Saverdun deserves his place in the final.

The Ariégeois kings of suspense.
DDM – Sébastien Batteux, in Mauvezin.

Mathias Lledos: “Perhaps the most beautiful match of my life”

Benoît Tessarotto (co-coach of UA Saverdun): “The match was indecisive until the end and it is the team that plays the most that wins in the end. It was tense but the logic was respected. Despite a lot of hand mistakes, it was the UAS that offered the most play. Congratulations to the players.”
Patrick Hollevoet (Villeneuve-sur-Lot coach): “We are not very far from the final. We didn’t really understand the stoppages in play which only continued. We are penalized with numerous penalties against an opponent who had the ball more often than us. There, I don’t dispute it. But, once again, being forced into our camp at the end of the match, the referee extended the match and I admit that I didn’t really understand. And we ended up breaking down. We knew that with their many supporters, these Ariégeois finished their matches very strongly. And it happened again for them. It’s cruel but it’s the harsh law of sport. »
Guillaume Soulet (co-president of UA Saverdun): “A logical victory. We make a lot of mistakes but we also produce a lot of play. We believe in it, we play until the end and we win in the last five minutes. It’s a great source of pride for the club. »
Mathieu Sentenac (captain of UA Saverdun): “Victory is the main thing. We came across a big defense. It just happened, but it happened. »
Mathias Lledos (3rd line of UA Saverdun): “It’s a club that has a lot of heart, a lot of values. We tightened around it, we never gave up, we whipped until the end like crazy. We believe in the guy next to us and it pays off. When I score, it’s an incredible feeling. In my life, I haven’t experienced things like that. I think it’s the best match of my life. »

Mathieu Sentenac (captain of UA Saverdun) : “Victory is the main thing. We came across a big defense. It just happened, but it happened. »
Thomas Galy (2nd line of UA Saverdun): “It’s an extraordinary feeling. We gave ourselves the right to see this incredible season through to the end. We still have the right to dream. We held on until the end, we believed in it against a very good team. Mentally, we tell ourselves that if we force the lock, it will work. If we leave some juice there, they too in defense When we have the ball, we only move forward and, by force, in front, they crack. »
Bastien Séguéla (flyhalf of UA Saverdun): “When we miss everything, we tell ourselves that in the end the last one will be the right one (laughs). We start the match at 0-13. We played the whole match and we always said to ourselves that it was going to turn out. It turned on the last action. And, personally, things have been going in the right direction for 5 years. At 0-13, we play all the shots, in all directions, there is no longer much of a game plan. Indirectly, we overplay and there are hand mistakes. We played the game for 70 minutes, it was deserved. I’m so glad I gave this to everyone, otherwise I wouldn’t have slept well for months. You have to clear your head, not think and correct what didn’t work before. It smiled, so much the better. The B showed us the way two years ago. »
Mehdi Tami-Berezigua (center of UA Saverdun): ” There are no words. It’s like last weekend, we believe it until the end. Even if it’s lost, it’s the last match of the season, we play until the end. Finally, we still have one match left. The coach teaches us that even if we make mistakes, we have to play everything 100%, which is what we did. We persevered and it paid off. A final is magnificent. »

The UAS has long struggled with the Lot-et-Garonnaise defense.
DDM – Sébastien Batteux, in Mauvezin.
Saverdun also won the battle of the supporters.
DDM – Sébastien Batteux, in Mauvezin.


MT 3-13: ; arbitrators: Mr. Hugues Samora, assisted by MM. Thomas Samora, and Tanguy Gau.

Winners: And A. Lacoste (80), M. Lledos (80 + 7); 1 T (80 + 7), et 1 P (38) B. Continue.

Defeated: 1 E L. Horeau Liégeois (13); 1 T, and 2 P (10, 12) Mr. Valy.

Evolution of the score: 0-3, 0-6, 0-13, 3-13 / 8-13, 8-15.

UA SAVERDUN. M. Alasset M. Carvalho, L. Bezard, M. Tami Berezigua, S. Melesi ; (o) A. Charrie, (m) L. Beneyton ; M. Sentenac (cap), M. Lledos, L. Armengaud; T. Galy, T. Dega ; D. Warnet, T. Biart, F. Da Costa. On the substitutes’ bench: A. Lacoste, R. Kemayou, J. Ibanez,

RC VILLENEUVE-SUR-LOT XV. L. Horeau Liégeois; M. Valy, B. Boulaghrifa, M. Leal, G. Solacroup ; (o) F. Boulaghrifa, (m) L. Darini (cap) ; L. Jolly, S. Salles, M. Moustin ; Q. Peze, F. Lamataki ; P. Minetto, F. Vergne, T. Cassagne. On the substitutes’ bench: R. Ribal, A. Bettoli, W. Jolly, L. Zandouche, Y. Rimailho, T. Maradenes, C. Turc.



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