ANALYSIS. UBB semi-final – Stade Français: the battle of the packs almost changed the epilogue

ANALYSIS. UBB semi-final – Stade Français: the battle of the packs almost changed the epilogue
ANALYSIS. UBB semi-final – Stade Français: the battle of the packs almost changed the epilogue

IThere was a lot of question of opposition of styles throughout the week. A shortcut whose main merit was to avoid having to dissect the reptilian brain of a Stade Français carried throughout the season by the density of its conquest and to tamper with the nerves of the resolutely offensive Bordeaux team. But the UBB forwards had no illusions.

This presentation only highlighted how much they were going to have to raise all the sliders to try to topple the runner-up in the regular phase. “We expect a rough match because it is their number 1 strength,” Romain Buros summed up Friday during the final press conference: “We are going to have some dirty work to do. »

From his position at the back, the latter had plenty of time to observe the realization in action of the promises made in recent days by his “big guys” at the start of the match. The two carried balls concluded by hooker Maxime Lamothe rewarded the determination of Cyril Cazeaux’s teammates who did not hesitate to opt for penalties rather than points. Two obviously striking facts, but which should not obscure the engagement in a relatively balanced ground battle and the scathing nature of certain tackles delivered by Cyril Cazeaux and Tevita Tatafu.

For a long time this season, the performances of the UBB forwards fueled doubts about the abilities of the Bordeaux pack to compete with the Toulouse and La Rochelle references in this championship. A question that Yannick Bru admitted to having shared at times: “In certain decisive matches, I am thinking of Toulouse or La Rochelle, we showed certain signs which took us away from the high level, particularly in direct conquest. But it seems to me that we have corrected that. »

TRUE. Since the failure in the quarter-finals of the Champions Cup against Harlequins (41-42), the Bordelais have become more aware. “We told each other the truth,” Bastien Vergnes said this week. We understood that we had to be more consistent up front. »

Hiccups in touch and scrum

Against Clermont, La Rochelle, Bayonne or even against Racing 92 in the play-off a week ago… The latest performances of the Gironde squad have echoed these declarations of intent. But the Stade Français, in the semi-final, was a test of character on a whole new level at an altitude where oxygen becomes scarce.

“When the three-quarters were good, it was because they had good balls”

“The club’s culture has been focused on conquest and defense for several seasons,” warned manager Laurent Labit this season: “If we have to go for the shield by playing as we have played all season, we will not not going to deprive yourself of it. »

It is these convictions that allowed Parisians to loosen the grip of Bordeaux. Beyond the tries scored in force by Romain Briatte and Lucas Peyresblanques, on two occasions, the direct conquest of the Stade Français made its counterpart suffer. To the point that she almost reversed the scenario of this meeting.

On the sidelines where they misplaced four ammunition, but especially in the scrum, where a UBB deprived of Ben Tameifuna conceded three penalties. These slags weigh inevitably on the project towards a final against Stade Toulousain. And this even if the latter will be reduced in this sector of play following the serious injury of Cyril Baille.

In a calm voice, Mahamadou Diaby, however, pointed out the obvious this week: “When three-quarters were good, it was because they had the right balls. » Damian Penaud and his partners did not have many opportunities to shine in this often dull semi-final. But every time they had the opportunity, the theorem was verified.

The notes

7/10 Funny.
6/10 Tatafu, Lamothe, Bielle-Biarrey, Moefana, Bochaton, Coleman, Cazeaux, Vergnes.
5/10 Poirot, Garcia, Buros, Penaud, Depoortere.
4/10 Sadie



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