Legislative elections in Flanders: Édouard Philippe supports the “central bloc” embodied by the Bataille-Belleval duo

Legislative elections in Flanders: Édouard Philippe supports the “central bloc” embodied by the Bataille-Belleval duo
Legislative elections in Flanders: Édouard Philippe supports the “central bloc” embodied by the Bataille-Belleval duo

In conquered territory. Édouard Philippe, support for the candidacy of Jean-Pierre Bataille in the same way as Xavier Bertrand, was welcomed by 150 guests embodying the center-right, this Saturday, at the 3 Monts brasserie in Saint-Sylvestre-Cappel. Mayors, business leaders, elected officials, figures from the agricultural world, gathered alongside Jean-Pierre Bataille and Valentin Belleval. This is the third trip by the president of Horizons to Flanders in three years, a guarantee of his ideological proximity with the mayor of Hazebrouck.

“First rampart of democracy”

After a brief visit to the brewery, the countryside returned to its place. Jean-Pierre Bataille welcomed the support of the mayor of Le Havre, “ close to Valentin and that suits me very well, mayor like us, and first rampart of democracy “. Édouard Philippe, “ sincerely happy to be in Flanders », extolled the merits of a duo embodying “part of the solution”: “ I am convinced that for our country to have a chance to move forward, political forces must have the courage to speak to each other and say that the country is not prisoner of an alternative between LFI and its allies and the National Rally. and its rallies. There is, in the middle, a political space in which we can work and agree. »

In the fifteenth constituency, Valentin Belleval and Jean-Pierre Bataille are betting that “ collective intelligence will provide a bulwark against the extremes of left and right and that Flanders will regain its colors in a few days ».



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