Aden Governor Warns Against UAE Occupation Efforts to Destroy Aden Port

Aden Governor Warns Against UAE Occupation Efforts to Destroy Aden Port


ADEN Juin 22. 2024 (Saba) – Aden Governor Tariq Salam today warned the Saudi-Emirati occupier against the continued destruction of the country’s capabilities, the looting of its wealth and any attempt to attack the rights of the people and their sovereign projects.

In a statement to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), Salam considered the destructive efforts and plots carried out by the mercenaries of the Saudi-Emirati occupation and the attempt to lease the port of Aden to the Emirati occupier as hostile and unacceptable behavior.

He stressed that this measure is rejected by the Yemeni people, who today realize the reality of the malicious plots that the UAE State seeks to carry out to the detriment of the suffering of citizens.

He stressed that the Emirati ambitions towards the port of Aden and the Yemeni ports were not the result of the moment, but rather they were exploiting all their capabilities and capabilities to destroy it, exploiting the cheap market and manpower. the work of previous regimes, controlled it, paralyzed it. its movement, and destroyed and pillaged its capabilities in a way that reflects the hidden objectives of the occupier, who seeks to legitimize its presence on Yemeni lands and seize the capabilities of the Yemeni people.

The governor of Aden also considered that this illegal measure by the mercenaries constituted a flagrant transgression and a clearly hostile act targeting Yemen and Yemenis and expressing the state of bankruptcy in which these puppet militias arrived.

He stressed that the port of Aden belongs to all Yemenis and that the Yemeni people will not allow these cheap attempts to empty the port of its value and prestigious international maritime status, because it is the one of the important Yemeni ports and one of the most important. the main seaports of the Gulf of Aden region and one of the largest natural harbors in the world.


resource : Saba



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