Rodez. A new method of learning to swim

Rodez. A new method of learning to swim
Rodez. A new method of learning to swim

the essential
From the start of the school year, a new swimming learning formula will be applied in the Aquavallon pools.

Each quarter, 350 to 400 people, including 200 to 250 children, come to learn to swim in the Aquavallon pools. An offer which is therefore very successful with families, but which has not prevented the urban lifeguards (MNS) from diving back into their approach. Quite the contrary!

Under the leadership of their manager Rémy Labarthe and the director of the aquatic center (which includes Aquavallon in Rodez and Géraldini in Onet) Philippe Mur, a new method called “Aquanat children” was launched. Which is organized around four axes of progression: 1, I save myself; 2, I start swimming; 3. I am progressing; 4 I am improving myself.

“We can talk about revolution”, glisse Rémy Labarthe. “For sixteen years we have been offering traditional learning to general public learning which is as close as possible to the life of families. And in a context where today, structures require swimming skills. The objective first is being comfortable in the water and with the water “. If this formula is primarily suitable for children, it is also aimed at adults. “We see parents or grandparents who, to better support their children, need to learn or relearn how to swim or be comfortable in the water.”

All this, without losing sight of Aquavallon’s proposition to disabled audiences. “Even severe handicaps; for which we acquired two dedicated machines. What a pleasure to see them in the water without the weight of their body”says Rémy Labarthe, recalling that a specialized MNS accompanies them. “Let the great people of Ruthenia know that we can welcome them all and in good conditions “.

Enough to corroborate the words of Alain Rauna, the vice-president of Rodez Agglomération, who recalled the pride for the community in having such a public service. “With a team for whom safety is essential and who provide demanding work.” And to emphasize: “It is a public service that we also want to be as attractive as possible, in terms of pricing “.

More than ever, the aquatic center wants to be part of the daily life of Ruthenians. “We want them to enjoy swimming, help them progress and simply give them that desire to come back” summarizes Rémy Labarthe.



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