Legislative: what do they propose for our security? – Public sense

Legislative: what do they propose for our security? – Public sense
Legislative: what do they propose for our security? – Public sense

A year after the riots that hit France and the day after the revelation of the rape of a young girl in Courbevoie, we are interested in one of the major priorities of the French: security. Main theme of the National Rally since its origins, the flame party proposes to reestablish minimum sentences for offenses linked to drug trafficking, attacks on persons holding public authority. He also wants the elimination of family allowances for parents of repeat minors. The police would also benefit from a presumption of self-defense. The left wants to reform the entire police institution. The watchword: put in place community policing. The IGPN and the IGGN, the police and the gendarmerie police would be replaced by an organization dependent on the Defender of Rights. The New Popular Front wishes to “ban LBDs and mutilating grenades, and dismantle the BRAV-M”. Much criticized for its security record, the presidential party promises to prioritize the fight against juvenile delinquency. An attenuation of the minority excuse and short sentences for individuals over the age of sixteen would be implemented. Are these proposals realistic and effective? We debate it with Béatrice Brugere, magistrate at the head of the SNM-FO Magistrates Unit union, Antoine Jardin, teacher at Sciences Po Paris, co-director of the Observatory of political radicalities of the Jean-Jaurès Foundation and member of the Scientific Council on the processes of radicalization (Cosprad), Mathieu Zagrodzki, associate researcher at the Center for Sociological Research on Law and Penal Institutions (Cesdip).

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