“If there are not the two red cards, we lose”, Thomas Ramos warns his teammates for the final

“If there are not the two red cards, we lose”, Thomas Ramos warns his teammates for the final
“If there are not the two red cards, we lose”, Thomas Ramos warns his teammates for the final

We take the same ones and start again: a year later, Stade Toulousain returns to the final and will face Paris or Bordeaux next Friday in Marseille. The Rouge et Noir beat a combative Stade Rochelais but declined in the second half with two red cards against Uini Atonio and Reda Wardi.

“Be a little less relaxed this week”

At the microphone of Canal +, Thomas Ramos was obviously happy to find the final once again but from his experience, he knows that this copy made in the semi-final was far from perfect. For the international full-back, the Toulouse almost owe their victory to the two red cards from La Rochelle. Aware of the imperfections, Thomas Ramos warns his teammates and invites everyone to remobilize more than ever for the week to come.

Suddenly they make mistakes and we’re going to score points, suddenly it’s us who make mistakes and they manage to get back in front at half-time. It’s true that there are two facts of play, I’m not going to comment. It’s a shame for the match, we would have liked to stay at 15-15 but I think the referee is obliged to put red at that moment.

Afterwards, we wanted to play them a little more than the other times during the final phases. When we managed to hold the ball, we put them under pressure. Afterwards, we know their strengths: they use our penalties, they come to us.

Thanks to the red cards, we were able to respond a little more presently. I think we’re really going to have to concentrate on who we’re going to play next week, watch the match carefully tomorrow, be a little less relaxed this week during training, during preparation because these are matches that are played out for nothing. . Tonight, if there are not the two red cards, we lose the match. Well done to the whole team, but focus on the rest.

To sum up

We take the same ones and start again: a year later, Stade Toulousain returns to the final and will face Paris or Bordeaux next Friday in Marseille. But for Thomas Ramos, we will have to do much better because Toulouse owe this victory above all, for the rear, to the two red cards from La Rochelle.



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