Anti-Semitic rape: gathering in Courbevoie in support of the young victim

Anti-Semitic rape: gathering in Courbevoie in support of the young victim
Anti-Semitic rape: gathering in Courbevoie in support of the young victim

The mayor of Courbevoie, Jacques Kossowski (c), during a rally in front of town hall in support of the 12-year-old girl victim of an anti-Semitic rape, June 21, 2024


Several political figures, including government spokesperson Prisca Thevenot and the president of the Ile-de-France region Valérie Pécresse, participated in this gathering in the rain, organized at the call of the mayor of this Hauts-de commune. -Seine, Jacques Kossowski.

“This gathering was done only for this young girl and her family,” said the councilor, sheltering under an umbrella. “Courbevoie is always a calm town. I couldn’t imagine that this could happen. It was monsters who did this,” he added.

The young victim was the victim last Saturday in this suburban town northwest of Paris of a rape perpetrated by teenagers who called her a “dirty Jew” and threatened her with death.

Two 13-year-old boys were indicted and imprisoned on Tuesday, notably for gang rape, death threats, insults and anti-Semitic violence.

A third, aged 12, placed under the status of assisted witness for the rape and indicted for the other offenses, was the subject of a provisional educational measure.

For the president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (Crif) Yonathan Arfi, present at the gathering in Courbevoie, it is urgent to “sound the alarm” and “send a message to French society” in the face of anti-Semitism.

“The explosion of anti-Semitic acts in our country since October 7 (with quite impressive figures: more than 1,000% in the last quarter of 2023, more than 300% at the start of 2024) must stop,” he declared.

The mayor of Courbevoie, Jacques Kossowski (c), and the president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (CRIF) Yonathan Arfi (c,d), during a rally in front of the town hall in support of the teenager 12 year old victim of rape… AFP PHOTO / JULIEN DE ROSA

“We must look at this phenomenon with clarity if we want to combat it effectively,” implored Mr. Arfi.

A feeling shared by Gérald Nussbaum, a resident of western Paris, who said he was “very touched” and “disgusted” by the rape of the young girl: “Anti-Semitism, racism, opposition from the extremes will explode our society (…) that really questions me about our life in this country, whether we are Jewish or not.”

This fifty-year-old of Jewish faith says he is particularly worried about “a climate of insecurity (for the Jews of France, NLDR) which plays into the hands of some”: “I pay attention to my family, I pay attention to what I can wear it and where I wear it,” he admits.

In Nice, nearly 400 people gathered at the call of Mayor Christian Estrosi, who has been flying the Israeli flag for months on the town hall.

Yaële Lerner, 67, a retired interpreter, came with an Israeli flag on her shoulders. “But I didn’t wear it to cross the city. It pains me but I’m pushing all our young people to go to Israel, we no longer have a choice, it has become too dangerous” in France, believes she said.

“France must apologize to this 12-year-old child because it did not allow her to keep her innocence,” demanded Jérôme Culioli, the local representative of Crif, for his part, wanting to believe that France was “going to catch up”.



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