The auditorium of Saint-Frère-André and Toronto West secondary schools will be renovated

The auditorium of Saint-Frère-André and Toronto West secondary schools will be renovated
The auditorium of Saint-Frère-André and Toronto West secondary schools will be renovated

The auditorium of Saint-Frère-André and Toronto West secondary schools, which in recent years has become an important performance hall for the entire Francophonie in Toronto, will undergo major renovation work in the spring of 2025.

The schools of the MonAvenir (Catholic) and Viamonde (secular) school boards share the same building and its facilities, including the 700-seat auditorium, at 330 Landsdowne Avenue, almost at the corner of College Street, to the west downtown.

Thanks to $1.5 million in funding from the Government of Canada as part of the Canada-Ontario Agreement on Minority Language Education, audiovisual equipment will be updated and spectator seats will be replaced.

Students from the Toronto Specialized Arts Program at Saint-Frère-André school. Photo: courtesy

Renewed cultural space

“This major work will make it possible to offer a renewed cultural space at the cutting edge of technology to the students of the two secondary schools as well as to the French-speaking community of Toronto,” indicate the two school boards.

Over the years, the auditorium of the Saint-Frère-André and Toronto Ouest schools has been the location of several cultural events offered by the French Theater of Toronto, the Alliance française, Francophonie en fête, Les Indisciplinés, in addition to host the rehearsals of the vocal ensemble Les Voix du Coeur.




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