Facing the RN, the music festival “takes on its full meaning” for Breton artists

Facing the RN, the music festival “takes on its full meaning” for Breton artists
Facing the RN, the music festival “takes on its full meaning” for Breton artists

Will the artists be keen to celebrate music this Friday? “It must be done, at all costs, because it is one of the first ways to resist. I want to believe that music and the arts can – must – express themselves even louder, because that’s what bothers these people. So let’s go happily! », says Nolwenn Korbell. Coincidentally, the Douarneniste singer is currently singing, in nursing homes, colleges and universities, songs by Bertold Brecht, a German playwright who, at the beginning of the 1930s, had to go into exile from his country to escape the clutches of the Nazi regime. .

Nolwenn Korbell “intolerant of intolerance”

She says she is torn between “a mixture of anger, rage, sadness and disappointment. I’m angry because I’ve been expecting it for so long that it annoys me to see everyone getting agitated at the last moment,” she laments. “For me, it was so predictable. We rolled out the red carpet at the RN, instead of putting in place safeguards.” It endorses the concept of tolerance, defined by the philosopher Karl Popper, according to which, by dint of being tolerant, a society is destroyed by intolerance and that “to maintain a tolerant society, society must be intolerant to ‘intolerance. »

Miossec: “It would be good for this edition to be activist”

Christophe Miossec tries to find reasons to believe in it, such as, for example, in the influx of requests for proxies. He remembers having written, in 1995, the piece “Regarde un peu la France”, an anti-Pasqua pamphlet, but “did not (think) he would know, during his lifetime, such a moment,” or, rather, I thought it would be in three years. It’s as if the horizon had fallen on us.” Will the desire to celebrate the music festival be there? “Yes, even more than usual, in a way. It makes complete sense. It would be good for this edition to be militant.”

“Two worlds that have fractured”

The Brest singer is currently preparing his next tour, which he had to postpone due to a problem with his vocal cords. “But in what landscape? It’s going to be weird, concerts in far-right France. It’s going to be the pilgrim’s staff… I’ve been traveling around France for 30 years. The campaigns have really changed. When we see the RN vote map, there are really cities and countryside, two worlds that have fractured. All these small towns which have failed, all these small businesses which have closed, all this human warmth which has disappeared… And the screens have taken their place.”

Stan: “There, we’re up against the wall”

Stan, leader of Matmatah, will not play during the Music Festival. “That day, we stay behind to make way for the beginners, the amateurs. For us, music, like culture, is a year-round celebration. Only, for it to be able to express itself, we must give it the means, and there, I don’t know where we are going, given the nauseating promises that have been made. It’s scary, although on June 9, nothing surprised me. We could see it coming. There, we are up against the wall.” He describes himself as “not very optimistic. I hope at least that the far right will not have an absolute majority on July 7. We will have to resist. The microphone is a weapon. Maybe we’ll open our mouths about certain things.”

Denez Prigent: “Deadly Jacobin ideology”

Denez Prigent, for his part, delivers a terse judgment on the political class as a whole: “The result of June 9 only reinforces the disgust that I feel towards the French political class as a whole, a caste disconnected from reality who only acts for his own interest and not that of the citizen. It revives in me the dream that I always have of a Brittany once again sovereign in a Europe open to the world, a united Brittany freed from the deadly Jacobin ideology, the very one which killed my language and where all singularity must be eradicated.”

Servat: “It’s the human warmth of the spectators that I love”

Gilles Servat will perhaps go and celebrate music at his home in Locoal-Mendon (56). “It will do everyone good. I get along well with the bagad musicians. We can have a great party. It’s the human warmth of the spectators that I love. When we see what is happening on the political level, we are far from human warmth! » He remembers that in 1998, he made a memorable rant against “the fafs” who were covering his song “La blanche ermine”. “Not enough to make it a standard for what you consider to be ideas! If it is the color that pleases you, in view of a so-called race that you say is less unequal than the others, I would point out to you that Brittany has as its emblem an animal whose color changes with the seasons,” he said indignantly. he.

“Are we still a democratic people? »

Gilles Servat admits, this time, to being stunned by the result of the June 9 elections. “I heard young people say that they voted for Bardella because he is handsome. It becomes nonsense. Considering our society, I am not at all unhappy to be 79 years old! I hope that in the legislative elections, things will turn out differently.” The new popular front leaves him doubtful: “Building unity with such different people is going to be difficult. Mélenchon, I am skeptical. What interests him is coming to power. But the question is: are we still a democratic people? If we still are, the RN will have some problems. If we are no longer there, he will come to power.”

Bertrand Belin: “Nausea”

Asked about his state of mind, Bertrand Belin does not want to limit himself to the “right word” (title of one of his songs): “First of all, it’s sadness. Any simplifying, contemptuous and hateful ideology makes me nauseous. The RN particularly stands out in this area. The temptation of the government in place to take a part of this pittance has certainly accelerated the process of normalization of the RN which we talk about a lot.”

“It is only the sharing of wealth that counts”

The singer, native of Auray (56), for his part, thinks that “it is only the sharing of wealth that counts, with also the confidence and the means given to citizens to build themselves in the perspective of a real democratic practice. This is what I expect from the left, in which I have always placed my expectations. There is nothing to hope from the designation of the “Other” as responsible by nature for everything that worries us, other than to continue in fear his difficult life or in disdain his privileged life.

Yelle: “Relay the light”

Costa Rican singer Yelle went through “a moment of astonishment and anger, before feeling hope return when seeing the commitment of many people from all walks of life on social networks. The moment is serious, it is important to take stock of the possible shift, to relay the light. The Fête de la Musique, the festival itself, will no longer have the same flavor if the far right passes in a few days. Many rights are threatened, and culture too, but I am convinced that art in all its forms will always win in the face of ignorance and fear of others.”



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