the wedding of stations with art – Libération

the wedding of stations with art – Libération
the wedding of stations with art – Libération


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Greater Paris, under constructiondossier

The new Greater Paris metro stations were each designed by an architect, associated with an artist. The Hôpital Bicêtre station on line 14 was inaugurated this Thursday, June 20. A “pride” for the inhabitants, even if the heart was not celebrating in the political context.

A little of feel good in this leaden atmosphere: a group of officials, but also the artist Eva Jospin, her father, the former socialist Prime Minister himself, and construction workers inaugurated this Thursday, June 20, 2024, the Hôpital Bicêtre station on the line 14, in Val-de-Marne. “On Monday, the inhabitants of HBM [Habitation bon marché, ndlr] from 162, Gabriel-Péri can go to Châtelet-les-Halles in fifteen minutes. And, when line 15 is in circulation, they will also be able to go to Créteil, to the prefecture, in fifteen minutes. What time saved for residents, what pride in taking the metro to go home,” said Fatah Aggoune, the mayor of Gentilly (Val-de-Marne), New Popular Front tendency.

Today, to get to Créteil, not far as the crow flies, residents of this southern suburb of Paris must take the RER B to Châtelet then take the D to Créteil: absurd! It will be over with the addition to the radial metro (that of 1900, in Paris) of the ring road metro (that of 2030, in Ile-de-France). “Our living area of ​​43,000 inhabitants, within a radius of 1 km around the station, will change, will become even more attractive, because it is better served”continued the councilor, forty-two years after the extension of metro line 7 to the Kremlin-Bicêtre.

A moucharabieh-style roof

Wedged between the motorway, covered at this location, and the hospital, the Hôpital Bicêtre station is one of the eight new stations of the



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