For the majority, prudence is the mother of safety

For the majority, prudence is the mother of safety
For the majority, prudence is the mother of safety

The financial lights are green for the City of Roanne which has validated the 2023 accounts.

A few days after the Agglomeration, it was the turn of the Roanne municipality to take stock of the past year. Which shows, here too, a positive result which makes it possible to generate a result of 7 million euros . “The financial situation of our City is excellent,” observed the Mayor in the preamble, before listing the reasons for satisfied


Among the elements highlighted: high self-financing capacity (2.8 times higher than cities of the same size); operating expenses “controlled despite inflation”; but also a “very favorable” debt reduction capacity (it would take 21 months to repay the debt, compared to 6 years for identical cities), “and this despite inflation”. “As for the project completion rate, it is 93%,” says Yves Nicolin. “We are very rigorous and that’s why we have good accounts. Our financial stability allows us to tackle the projects we have undertaken head on.” An elected official for whom it is important “to remain cautious, especially given the turbulent period we are going through at the national level which could impact the finances of communities through, for example, a sharp rise in borrowing rates”.

“Lots of things to work on”

In opposition, elected officials recalled certain divergences in the analysis of figures but also of funds. “The debt will increase in the future, this is expected and we will measure the impacts over time,” recalled Marie-Hélène Riamon. An elected official who observes, on the operational side, a drop in aid to associations and who believes that certain needs, particularly social, “deserve to be better covered” in terms of solidarity in particular. Brigitte Dumoulin suggested the idea of ​​integrating the “Territory zero non-recourse to social rights” experiment which could help certain residents in difficulty. Recalling its fundamental disagreement on investment policy (against Foch-Sully or the Gambetta project), the 88% Collective also mentioned the sectors which, in terms of operation, should be strengthened, with regard to the financial possibilities of the City, like the CCAS, aid to associations, canteens… “There are a lot of things to work on” observed Franck Beysson.

The account stands at 62 million total expenditure for 73.5 million revenue.



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