2024 elections: Open VLD calls for vote recount in Brussels

2024 elections: Open VLD calls for vote recount in Brussels
2024 elections: Open VLD calls for vote recount in Brussels

The Open VLD lost the only seat it had held until then in the Flemish Parliament during the elections on June 9 in Brussels. Vooruit and Vlaams Belang were able to win a seat there. But the differences between the three parties are particularly small.

The Open VLD attracted 8,418 votes of its own, compared to 8,458 for Vooruit and 8,431 for Belang. According to the Flemish liberals, just seven votes could make the difference in regaining the seat from the VB. The Flemish liberals justify their approach all the more because the vote was surrounded by suspicions of irregularities.

According to several testimonies, young people aged 16 to 17 were also authorized to vote for the regional and federal elections, whereas they could normally only do so for the European vote exclusively. “Given the extremely small difference, it is more than logical, in the interest of our democracy, that a recount be carried out”, we argue to the Open VLD. The Flemish people of Brussels can, in each election, nominate six deputies who will sit for community matters within the Flemish Parliament.

elections 2024 politics open vld



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