Bac 2024: the subject of NSI – Digital and computer sciences (specialty – day 1)

Bac 2024: the subject of NSI – Digital and computer sciences (specialty – day 1)
Bac 2024: the subject of NSI – Digital and computer sciences (specialty – day 1)

The NSI specialty allows you to understand the basics of computing and programming (Python), to develop software, websites or even applications but also to understand data security and cybersecurity.

The specialties chosen in Première then in Terminale allow you to refine your orientation. Specialties are important in the choice of post-baccalaureate studies but also for the final mark in the baccalaureate. With a coefficient of 16 each, the specialty tests account for 32% of the final baccalaureate grade.

Here is the subject of the NSI test, Numerical and computer sciences, which took place this Wednesday, June 19 from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (day 1).

Bac NSI 2024 – specialty – day 1


EXERCISE 1 (6 points)

This exercise focuses on object programming in Python and graphs.

We have represented in the form of a graph the links between five different websites:


EXERCISE 2 (6 points)

This exercise covers routing protocols, communications security and relational databases.

A travel agency offers boat cruises. Each cruise has a unique name and passes through four stops corresponding to cities which also have different names.

To manage its clients’ reservations, the agency uses a database. Here is the description of the three relationships in this database, the primary keys of which have been underlined and the foreign keys indicated by a #:


EXERCISE 3 (8 points)

This exercise covers object-oriented programming, binary search trees and recursion.

Each year, several sled dog races are organized on snowy terrain. One of them, La Traversée Blanche, is a race taking place in 9 stages. The organizer of this race is responsible for creating a Python program to help with the proper management of the event.

Part A: Dog class

In order to characterize a dog, the organizer decides to create a Dog class with the following attributes:

• dog_id, an integer corresponding to the number assigned to the dog when registering for the race;

• name, a string of characters corresponding to the dog’s name;

• role, a string of characters corresponding to the position occupied by the dog: depending on its place in the team, a dog has a well-defined role and can be ‘leader’, ‘swing dog’, ‘wheel dog’ or ‘ team dog’.

• owner_id, an integer corresponding to the team number.

The incomplete Python code of the Dog class is given below.


Full topic here:

Consult here all the other specialty subjects of the 2024 baccalaureate for Wednesday – day 1 – on our site.



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