“Everyone is panicking”: in Draguignan, they want to save the Mini-Bulle crèche

“Everyone is panicking”: in Draguignan, they want to save the Mini-Bulle crèche
“Everyone is panicking”: in Draguignan, they want to save the Mini-Bulle crèche

NWe are angry! And in total uncertainty.” The employees of the Mini-Bulle crèche, inaugurated in 2012, are up in arms. Managed by the Igesa group (1), in conjunction with the Ministry of the Armed Forces, the Family Allowance Fund, and the Departmental Council, the reception structure dedicated to the children of Draconian military personnel may not reopen its doors at the start of the next school year. .

A situation correlated with work planned in the building which houses the crèche. Which is managed by the Nové group (2).

A grotesque situation

“Igesa has known since November that major repair work will be launched in the building, s’insurge Angélique Marie, childcare assistant. The project will start in September, for a duration of 15 to 18 months.” Therefore, it is impossible to accommodate children. But no solution seems to have been anticipated to deal with the situation. “No one was concerned about the problem… So obviously, today, everyone is panicking”regret Émilie Tissière and Anne-Sophie Baltruchat, specialist early childhood agents.

Faced with this grotesque situation, the staff, helpless, find themselves completely waiting. With a very unclear future. “We only have contradictory and fragmentary information on our fate. Some officials explain to us that we will have to choose between a transfer to Toulon or economic dismissal… Others tell us that the installation of a modular structure was considered, but that the cost would be too high… We were also told about potential partial unemployment We no longer know which way to start…” One thing is certain, the annual closure of the crèche is scheduled for July 26. “Without knowing, at the moment, what sauce we are going to be treated to when we return from vacation, on August 19.”

Worried parents

For the staff, the situation is incomprehensible in more than one way. “We don’t understand why it’s so complicated. However, it seems that premises are available at the Draguignan Military Schools (EMD) or at the Canjuers camp… It would just be enough to bring them up to standard.”

And if the staff is worried, the parents are obviously just as worried… “They heard the news just a few days ago, over the phone.”

The fact remains that solutions have been proposed to some, but this is not the case for all (read below). “Next year, of the 12 children we have looked after so far, three will go to school; five others will be welcomed into the Baby Club parental crèche, with which Igesa has a partnership; two, including the parents are transferred, will go to another sector and the two remaining find themselves on the floor… list the agents. Not to mention the new arrivals that we will not be able to welcome…”

It is difficult to fully understand the reasons which led the Igesa group to arrive at such a situation.

Still, the demand for nursery places is significant. “We know that 45 applications have been submitted for the upcoming school year by military families…” And the three employees launched a united cry from the heart: “We just want to save our nursery!”

1. Created by the law of July 2, 1966 promulgated by General de Gaulle to unify social actions for the benefit of “civilian and military” nationals of the Ministry of the Armed Forces, Igesa has become “the armed arm” of his social policy.

2. As part of the plan to support families and improve the living conditions of soldiers, the Ministry of the Armed Forces has chosen to entrust Nové with the management of its state housing stock.

The mini-crèche accommodates up to 12 children, only military personnel (Canjuers, Draguignan military schools, gendarmes, etc.) and is normally made up of five employees. “Minus our director who left the structure a month ago for health problems.”

A position for which a fixed-term job offer was launched a few days ago, for two months, renewable.

Enough to surprise the uninformed staff. “We weren’t aware… It’s strange to hire when we’re told it’s closing…”



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