Lille. Luminiscence, a grandiose immersive show at Notre Dame de la Treille

Lille. Luminiscence, a grandiose immersive show at Notre Dame de la Treille
Lille. Luminiscence, a grandiose immersive show at Notre Dame de la Treille


Anne-Sophie Hourdeaux

Published on

June 19, 2024 at 9:56 a.m.

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From September 7, 2024 to January 4, 2025, a simmersive show settles at the Lille Cathedral (North), with 10 performances per week! Called “Luminiscence”, this indoor video mapping exceptional has already passed through Bordeaux and Paris.

Discover a grandiose spectacle at Lille Cathedral

After welcoming thousands of spectators to Bordeaux Cathedral and Saint-Eustache Church in Paris, Luminiscence will soon move to Lille. Enjoy a sensory experience that combines the magic of 360-degree video mapping, 3-dimensional spatial music and an immersive light show.

Each projected image is an open door to the past, a luminous homage to art and history, an awakening of the senses to the grandeur of a bygone era.

Videos: currently on -

Exceptional live music choir and orchestra evenings are planned, the dates are not yet known.

From Tuesday to Saturday, 2 performances per evening are planned, from 7:30 p.m. On the program: free stroll of approximately 10 minutes and seated show of 40 minutes.

The Luminiscence show is breathtaking. ©Lumiscence

Booking a ticket online is recommended and guarantees entry. However, it is possible to buy a ticket on site the same day subject to availability.

You can already register on the waiting list and benefit from exclusive access to pre-sale tickets.

Prices: from 15€.

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