Montauban. “Dirty bugnoules” and swastikas: a mosque under construction targeted by tags

Montauban. “Dirty bugnoules” and swastikas: a mosque under construction targeted by tags
Montauban. “Dirty bugnoules” and swastikas: a mosque under construction targeted by tags


Mélina Le Corre

Published on

June 19, 2024 at 3:27 p.m.

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Nazi symbols, racist insults… Wednesday June 19, 2024, the Montauban mosque, currently under construction, was vandalized by racist tags and swastikas signed “FN F”. Information confirmed by a police source, Toulouse News.

Racist tags and swastikas

It is the Communist Party of Tarn-et-Garonne which shares its images on social networks, Wednesday June 19. “It was one of our elected officials, a resident of the neighborhood, who saw the tags on the mosque under construction,” explains Julien Sueres, member of PCF82 and communications manager.

The racist inscriptions were already covered with black paint this Wednesday, according to the party.

“In the department, this is not the first time that this has happened. We have heard other stories like slices of ham thrown at the Castelsarrasin mosque, but also in Montauban. And It keeps getting worse.”.

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” It is not a surprise “

“We immediately informed Mohamed Hajji, the president of the religious association managing the Es-Salem mosque.” Tags which are not “a surprise” according to Julien Sueres. “On the phone, he wasn’t shocked, but unhappy ». Contacted by News Toulouse, the president did not respond to our requests. For the moment, “no complaint has been filed”, adds a police source to Toulouse News.

The mayor of Montauban, Brigitte Barèges reacted on X (formerly Twitter) following this act of vandalism:

“I learned this morning through the CGT Facebook page that slanderous inscriptions have been sprayed on the Montauban mosque. I condemn with the greatest firmness these intolerable inscriptions. I myself have been the victim of this type of graffiti, which is unacceptable in a democracy. »

The mayor of Montauban assures that the “tags were erased by the town hall services”.


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