Zurich: her skin cream almost made her miss the plane

Zurich: her skin cream almost made her miss the plane
Zurich: her skin cream almost made her miss the plane

A plane trip planned this summer? If this is the case, be careful not to overdo it when applying cream to your skin! German-speaking influencer Marina Fischer learned this the hard way a few days ago, when she was preparing to fly to Miami from Zurich. Indeed, when boarding, the young Argovienne was subjected to a random check to detect the presence of explosives. And there, surprise: “I tested positive four times,” she says on her social networks.

“At the beginning, I was totally relaxed,” says Marina Fischer, “but when the second and even the third test came back positive, I became a little nervous.” Fortunately, the employee who was checking her was alert when the influencer was asked to detail what she had done before arriving at the airport. “Did you put face cream on? So go wash your hands quickly.” A tip which paid off, since the following test turned out to be negative and the young woman was able to board.

So, the catch? Particles of the famous cream were still on the Argovienne’s hands. However, as Zurich Airport explains: “There are care products containing glycerin, which is also found in explosives.” The slightest trace of the product on someone therefore panics the detectors. Airport security, however, wants to be reassuring, no one risks prison for excess lotion: “In the event of a positive test, the cantonal police carry out a thorough assessment until they have credible proof .”



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