Legislative elections 2024: “I did it too late…” Many French people are not registered on the electoral lists

Legislative elections 2024: “I did it too late…” Many French people are not registered on the electoral lists
Legislative elections 2024: “I did it too late…” Many French people are not registered on the electoral lists

Since the announcement of the dissolution, many Lot-et-Garonnais wish to register on the electoral lists to vote on June 30 and July 7. But… It’s often disillusionment.

On June 9, President Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly, prompting new legislative elections on June 30 and July 7. Not registered on the lists for the European elections, many Lot-et-Garonnais rushed to the government site to join a polling station. But many of them missed the boat.

This is the case of Marion, 23 years old. “I did not register on the lists for the European elections because I thought that it was done automatically,” says the Agenaise, who admits not having felt very involved in the previous elections. “But with what happened, I wanted to give my vote. Unfortunately I can’t do anything because I made the request too late. My file will not be processed before July 8. »

It’s the same thing for Clémence, who lives in Castelculier. “I didn’t register on the lists for the European elections because I don’t know much about politics, but when I saw that the National Rally had taken place, it scared me. I wanted to register for the legislative elections but I missed the deadline by 2 hours… I’m disgusted,” sighs the 24-year-old young woman. And their case is not isolated. Requests for registration on the lists are still pouring in every day and town halls are forced to refuse a significant number of requests.

“We have never seen such enthusiasm”

“Since June 9, we have had 400 requests for registration on the electoral lists,” indicates Valérie Pitous, director of the office of the mayor of Agen. “But out of the 400, we were only able to treat around a hundred. The others were made after the deadline. » Same story in Villeneuve-sur-Lot. “On Monday alone, we had around fifty people who called to register,” says Léa Tembremande, director of the mayor’s office. “Except that it’s too late, the lists are frozen, we can’t follow up. »

This is also the case in smaller municipalities. “Since June 10, we have received 92 requests, and we are still receiving more,” says the Passage d’Agen town hall. But we were only able to register 17 people. » In Pont-du-Casse, Mayor Christian Delbrel is surprised. ” I have never seen that. Since the announcement of the dissolution, we have received around fifty requests. This is huge for a small town like Pont-du-Casse. We were only able to process 15, we had to refuse the rest, but we continue to receive them, because people do not know that they can no longer register, explains the representative of the municipality. Even for municipal elections, we have never experienced such enthusiasm. » A start… Late?



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