They took philosophy this morning, first impressions after the baccalaureate exam

They took philosophy this morning, first impressions after the baccalaureate exam
They took philosophy this morning, first impressions after the baccalaureate exam

the essential
More than 540,000 candidates from the general and technological sectors worked on philosophy this Tuesday. The first reactions after leaving Clément Marot high school in Cahors.

The written philosophy test for the 2024 baccalaureate for the general route took place this Tuesday. The final year students had the choice between two essay topics or an explanation of the text: “Can science satisfy our need for truth?“, “Does the state owe us something?” and a text by Simone Weil taken from The working condition (1943).

As they left the Clément Marot high school in Cahors, the students had a smile on their lips or, on the contrary, an annoyed look.

Eva, 18, found the ordeal exhausting but is relieved it’s over. She chose the essay “Does the state owe us something?“, which she found inspiring despite her aversion to philosophy. The high school student wrote for more than three hours out of the four hours of the test, even quoting a maxim from Spider-Man: “With great powers comes great responsibilities, ” she confides, smiling. She specifies that she added other, more serious quotes like “If the State is strong, it crushes us. If it is weak, we perish.” Paul Valéry (1871-1945). She plans to study nursing in Montpellier for next year.

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They cited Descartes, Jean-Paul Sartre, etc.

Gabriel, 18, came out of his ordeal relaxed. “I have chosen ” Can science satisfy our need for truth? “. I wrote a dissertation in several parts, inserting ideas and quotes from philosophers like Descartes: “Man is a wolf to man” or “Existence precedes essence” by Jean-Paul Sartre” .

He confides: “having enjoyed learning philosophy, it opened my eyes to life, society and my relationships. It feels good and allows me to take a step back from certain things. But I don’t plan to continue in this subject in higher studies. I plan to go to law in Albi.”

Some have confused Simone Weil with Simone Veil

Alexandra Nesme, philosophy teacher at the Clément Marot high school, comes to inquire about her students’ impressions, with kindness. According to her, many students chose Simone Weil’s text commentary, some unfortunately confusing her with Simone Veil, the magistrate and politician.

The first dissertation topic, “Can science satisfy our need for truth?”, was quite ordinary, dealing with the science/truth theme, admits the teacher. On the other hand, the second subject, “Does the State owe us anything?”, is more surprising and politicized. She also finds this subject delicate to argue, because she says “There are few schools of thought maintaining that the State owes us nothing, which complicates the formulation of an antithesis”.

Remember that satisfaction lies in effort, not only in success. As Gandhi said, “Full effort is full victory.” That’s good, the baccalaureate exams have only just begun, followed by the specialty exams, then the grand oral, next week.

The philosophy test, lasting four hours, has a significant coefficient: 8 in the general route and 4 in the technological route, which makes it essential. The baccalaureate results will be available from July 8.


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