Paris Hilton “sexually abused” for two years: she delivers a chilling testimony

Paris Hilton “sexually abused” for two years: she delivers a chilling testimony
Paris Hilton “sexually abused” for two years: she delivers a chilling testimony

The famous American heiress’ adolescence was not always rosy. Activist against educational violence in boarding schools in the United States, Paris Hilton revealed in her documentary published on YouTube in 2020 entitled This is Paris having been a victim of violence during her childhood at Provo Canyon School. A chilling story that she decided to bring before the American Congress and the cameras of CNN this Wednesday, June 26.

The former jet-setter told lawmakers that during her younger years, she preferred going to nightclubs to going to school. Bad habits that scared his parents Rick and Kathy Hilton. The latter therefore decided to send her, at the age of 16, to a “care center” in Utah, called the Provo Canyon School, far from imagining the hell that their daughter was going to experience. “Staff continually lied and manipulated them […] They just thought it would be a normal boarding school, but when I got there there was no therapy. We were constantly torn down, mistreated and insulted“, says the mother of Phoenix and London.

At the age of 16, I was snatched from my bed in the middle of the night and transported interstate to the first of four youth residential treatment centers. These programs promised healing, growth and support, but did not allow me to speak, move freely or even look out the window. “It also reveals that this violence lasted for two years:”I was force-fed with drugs and sexually abused by staff I was violently restrained […]undressed, placed in solitary confinement.”

>>PHOTOS – Paris Hilton: the men in her life

Paris Hilton: a woman committed to the fight for child protection

This is not the first time that Paris Hilton has spoken out about the violence she suffered during her adolescence. For years, the 43-year-old heiress has campaigned for better legislation to protect “teenagers in difficulty“quality, especially for those sent to accommodation centers, a”largely unregulated multi-billion dollar industry“.

The businesswoman also urged lawmakers to pass a bill called the “Stop Institutional Child Abuse Act,” sponsored by Republican Sen. Shannon Grove and Democratic Sens. Aisha Wahab and Angelique Ashby. “If you are a child in the system, listen to my words: I see you. I believe you. I know what you are going through and I will not give up on you. You are important, your future is important and you deserve every opportunity to be safe and supported” she concluded.

Crédits photos : The Washington Post / Getty



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