Domestic violence in Seine-et-Marne: a woman in a coma, her partner imprisoned

Domestic violence in Seine-et-Marne: a woman in a coma, her partner imprisoned
Domestic violence in Seine-et-Marne: a woman in a coma, her partner imprisoned


Agnes Braik

Published on

June 18, 2024 at 3:44 p.m.

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Victim of domestic violence in Brie-Comte-Robert, in Seine-et-Marne, a woman 49 years old is in the coma since the evening of Saturday June 15, 2024, revealed Le Figaro.

According to the daily, the scene took place in the middle of the street, Avenue Beau. The alleged perpetrator was arrested by an off-duty police officerwhich also notified emergency services.

Disputes for trivial reasons

According to our information, the couple had consumed the alcohol during the afternoon and arguments had broken out for trivial reasons. “The spouse had a blood alcohol level of 0.76 grams of alcohol per liter of blood,” specifies the Melun prosecutor, Jean-Michel Bourlès, contacted by The Republic of Seine-et-Marne. Disputes would have broken out for futile motives and according to the accused, the injuries were unintentional…”

In police custody, the suspect, born in 1980, claimed that he had been hit by his partner, who then fled the home. He would have wanted to take her home and would have done so fall twice, once by pulling her by the hair, the second time by grabbing her clothes. The woman, whose head hit the ground heavily, was evacuated to Henri-Mondor hospital, in Val-de-Marne. “She suffers from a subdural hematoma. His condition is stable but hospital services suggest at least 90 days of total incapacity for work“, indicates the prosecutor.


Presented to the prosecution, the individual was indicted For attempted homicide per spouse. It was placed in prison provisional. The man had until now never been convicted of spousal violence. But the mayor of Brie-Comte-Robert, Jean Laviolette, specifies that his municipal police intervened at his home a few years ago for similar incidents. “This family was unknown to our social services,” adds the elected official.

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