on the left, the union resists to prove that it exists – Libération

on the left, the union resists to prove that it exists – Libération
on the left, the union resists to prove that it exists – Libération


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Legislative elections 2024dossier

Three days before the first round, the New Popular Front, the only political force able to compete with the RN according to the polls, remains handicapped by the question of its leader, but above all wants to confront the majority with its responsibilities.

When the mayor of Marseille comes to Paris so much, it means the situation is serious. During the New Popular Front (NFP) negotiations, Benoît Payan spent days and nights locked in the PS premises. This time, the former socialist, who returned his card, returned to help his camp escape the Prime Minister’s trap in which Gabriel Attal is trying to lock the left. “The jaw in which he wants to lock us will close on them”he warns.

The new alliance is certainly sailing between 27% and 30% according to the polls, a few points behind the far right and above the 25.7% which had allowed the New Ecological and Social Popular Union to send 150 deputies from left in the National Assembly in 2022. But two years later, this coalition hastily reformed after the European elections remains weighed down by the Matignon question. For a week, Jean-Luc Mélenchon has been scouring the TV sets to say that he “does not impose itself but offers itself”, thus remaining at the center of the game. The former presidential candidate recalls that he represented 22% of the votes in the last presidential election and the doors that opened in working-class neighborhoods. “It is among the rebels that we find the greatest reserve of votes



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