Pierre-Karl Péladeau disturbed in Toronto: his loved ones fear for his safety

Pierre-Karl Péladeau experienced a tense situation in Toronto yesterday, creating concerns among his loved ones regarding his safety.

During the Canadian Telecommunications Summit, where Péladeau was one of the speakers, around thirty Videotron employees, locked out since October 30, made the trip to be heard by the boss of Quebecor.

These members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) attempted to disrupt Péladeau’s speech by demonstrating loudly outside the Westin conference center.

The protest follows a lockout which affects 214 employees of Videotron in Gatineau, the company belonging to Quebecor which reaps the most profits, unlike the TVA Group which only loses money.

The employees have been locked out for 231 days and without an employment contract since August 31, 2020.

Nick Garneau, local president of the union, stressed that the negotiations mainly focus on job security rather than wages.

“I want to make sure that in 10 years, I still have my job, that it will not be transferred overseas or to a subcontractor,” Garneau said.

Videotron management justified the increased use of subcontracting by the fact that there is a shortage of 350 positions in its call centers, despite intensified recruitment efforts.

Although discussions between management and union members continue, no significant progress has been made in months, according to the striking employees.

This event in Toronto reflects the ongoing tension between labor and management, and highlights the challenges employees face regarding job security in an uncertain economic environment.

Since the end of 2023, it has been extremely difficult for Pierre-Karl Péladeau, marked by numerous challenges and conflicts within his companies.

Between the lockout at Videotron and the numerous dismissals at TVA and TVA Sports, the CEO of Quebecor has hardly had a chance to breathe.

Although often seen as the “big bad wolf”, Péladeau is simply trying to navigate an ever-changing telecommunications sector.

With the assurance that he will lose the NHL’s exclusive broadcasting contract in the summer of 2026 and the crisis of traditional TV even for TVA’s non-sporting broadcasts, Péladeau had no choice in opting for dismissal of 547 employees, or nearly a third of the workforce.

This decision affected 300 people working on internal production, 98 linked to regional stations and 149 in other sectors, including TVA Sports.

This collective dismissal followed the elimination of 140 positions last February.

Péladeau justified these measures by citing the need to save TVA. Financial results show a deficit of nearly $13 million for the broadcast sector, compared to $1.6 million the previous year.

TVA’s financial deficit, which has persisted since 2021, is attributed to the proliferation of digital platforms (such as Netflix, Prime Video, and Disney+), fragmenting audiences and subscriptions. In addition, increased competition for sports rights and the absorption of advertising revenues by web giants are making the situation worse.

To respond to this crisis, a restructuring plan was put in place, including the end of internal production activities in entertainment, the reorganization of the information sector and the optimization of the real estate portfolio.

Shows like The Goose That Lays the Golden Eggs, The Cheater, and Vlog will now be produced by independents. The information sector will continue to produce current affairs programs, but nearly 100 layoffs are planned, mainly in regional stations.

All TVA Group and Quebecor news teams will be brought together in the former Journal de Montréal premises, in order to reduce operating costs. TVA and LCN have maintained separate management teams to comply with CRTC licensing conditions.

This major reorganization did not fail to arouse criticism. The TVA Employees Union, affiliated with the Canadian Union of Public Employees, deplores the brutal announcements of layoffs.

Steve Bargoné, union advisor, criticizes the administrative decisions linked to TVA Sports, which has lost approximately 220 million dollars in eleven years.

Despite this turbulence, Péladeau remains determined to continue the activities of TVA Sports and to respect its contractual obligations with the NHL.

As for the future of the building at 1600, boulevard De Maisonneuve Est, where the TVA studios are currently located, Quebecor will convert it into social housing, in discussion with municipal and provincial authorities.

This difficult period reflects the profound and lasting upheavals faced by traditional private channels, faced with fierce competition and rapidly changing business models.

One would have thought that Videotron would be spared these difficulties, being Quebecor’s main cash cow. However, the recent turbulence also affects Videotron, a reality which must particularly affect Pierre-Karl Péladeau.

Being challenged so forcefully in Toronto at the Canadian Telecommunications Summit only adds to the pain.

The confrontation with locked-out Videotron employees in Toronto symbolizes the growing challenges facing the company.

For Péladeau, seeing Videotron, once a stable pillar of Quebecor, find itself at the center of such intense conflicts is certainly a hard blow.

This situation is scary. Péladeau is overwhelmed by the ever-present challenges in the telecommunications sector, where even the most robust companies are not immune to economic disruption and technological change.

Péladeau finds himself having to justify difficult decisions in an attempt to stabilize the company. Criticism from the union and internal tensions added to the pressure he was under, making this year one of the most trying of his career.

Despite his often controversial image, Péladeau navigates a constantly changing telecommunications environment.

He is fighting to maintain the viability of his businesses in the face of increased competition, audience fragmentation and the absorption of advertising revenue by web giants.

The survival of Quebecor and its subsidiaries, including Videotron, depends on its ability to adapt to these challenges while managing the expectations and tensions of its employees.

For Pierre-Karl Péladeau, each decision, each confrontation and each dismissal resonates with the urgency of finding lasting solutions in a constantly changing world.

He may have endless money…we wouldn’t want to be in his shoes right now…



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