When the Sousson becomes a stream again…

When the Sousson becomes a stream again…
When the Sousson becomes a stream again…

It has completely disappeared from our sight since the destruction of the La Ribère dike and the invasion of vegetation, the Sousson is today simply a bridge to cross on the departmental 929.

An emblematic stream of Pavie with the Cédon stream, the Sousson was a stream renowned for gudgeon fishing and its bed which meandered quietly through the town brought a bucolic touch despite some attempts to overflow during flood periods.

Over time, the Sousson has been completely forgotten.

The Syndicat Mixte des 3 Vallées, the public establishment for managing the watershed of the GERS river, will carry out a major operation to restore the bed and banks of the Le Sousson watercourse in the commune of PAVIE, at the level of the activity area. The river is very degraded in the sector since it is undergoing a significant incision phenomenon. This work will begin in September 2024; they will restore the river bed over nearly 1000 meters and restore access to the watercourse for the local population and fishermen. The banks will be indented to open up the bed and give the watercourse space for mobility. Blocks and gravel are added to limit the sinking of the bed, diversify flows and improve the habitat of aquatic fauna. These developments will allow the phenomenon of water depollution through the mechanism of self-purification and oxygenation of the river. Prior to the work planned on the bed of the watercourse, trees including a mature poplar grove will be felled during June to allow access for mechanical equipment. These cuts will be compensated by the planting of species more adapted to river banks. Local trees and shrubs will shade the watercourse, provide the organic matter necessary for the life of many animals and will have a windbreak and landscaping effect. This work was declared of general interest by prefectural decree. This operation, which contributes to achieving good ecological status set by the European Water Framework Directive, is subsidized by the Adour Garonne Water Agency, the GERS Department and the Occitanie Region.

The first tree felling work will begin on June 18.



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