2024 legislative elections in Creuse: The LR candidate supported by the RN begins his campaign among hunters

2024 legislative elections in Creuse: The LR candidate supported by the RN begins his campaign among hunters
2024 legislative elections in Creuse: The LR candidate supported by the RN begins his campaign among hunters

Bartolomé Lenoir, the LR candidate supported by the RN in the legislative elections in Creuse, chose to begin his campaign this June 17 on his family land. If the 32-year-old candidate lives and works in Paris, permanent at party headquarters where he is advisor to Eric Ciotti, he is used to frequently coming to Lépaud, in the east of the department. As a child, he came to see his grandparents, and today his parents, who are retired.

Meeting the hunters, a whole symbol

Among his favorite activities in Creuse: the hunt. Opening your campaign at the ACCA cabin in Lépaud and interacting with three hunters from the town was therefore An evidence for Bartolomé Lenoir. “I absolutely want to defend the rural territory and hunting is really fundamental to my passions. So in the National Assembly, this will be a priority for me ” he promises.

A speech that makes you smile and reassures his hunter friends in the trust they place in Bartolomé Lenoir. “He is from Lépaud, he is a hunter, we have known him for many yearsconfides Jean-Marie Aufort the game warden of the ACCA of Lépaud, he is our favorite candidate. To defend the terroir, I think there is no better than him“.

From hunters to farmers

The hunters thus exposed their grievances to candidate LR, culminating in the possibility of hunting badgers without constraint. “In Creuse we are not allowed to dig it up. You should know that it is an animal that can transmit tuberculosis to livestock.” worries Jean-Marie Aufort. “We need a lot of support, because it’s a snowball effect: certain game causes a lot of damage, which leads to an increase in the ACCA budget, therefore an increase in the price of hunting permits, reasons the gamekeeper. Ultimately, not everyone will be able to afford them and there will be fewer hunters. Fewer hunters equals a lot of damage. How will farmers fare if their harvest is destroyed?” he asks.

A ready-made link for Bartolomé Lenoir for reach a major sector in Creuse : “to condemn hunting is to condemn an ​​entire agriculture. We must make people understand that it is necessary to defend hunting because it means defending farmers.” sums up the candidate of the “union of the rights”, as he calls himself.



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