“Suffering and blood”, Mbappé’s nose on the front page of the international press

“Suffering and blood”, Mbappé’s nose on the front page of the international press
“Suffering and blood”, Mbappé’s nose on the front page of the international press

Victim of a violent shock to the face against Austria for the Blues’ entry into the running for Euro 2024 (1-0 victory), Kylian Mbappé very probably has a broken nose. Spain, England, Italy, Brazil, Argentina… This Monday evening, the captain of the Blues makes the headlines in the media around the world.

Kylian Mbappé’s face and jersey stained with blood. This Monday evening, a single image made the front page of the international press and worried the whole world. Hit in the face against Austria during the Blues’ entry into Euro 2024 (1-0 victory), the French captain appears to be the victim of a broken nose.

>> All the information after France-Austria (1-0)

Abroad, the fate of Mbappé relegated the victory of the Blues to second place. The most worried are obviously the Spanish media, who are worried about the state of health of the future Real Madrid striker. A few minutes after the final whistle, Bondy’s crack was already at the top of the home pages of Marca, As and Mundo Deportivo.

About an hour after the match ended, there were already three different articles dedicated to Mbappé’s nose at the very top of the Marca website. “Victory, suffering and blood”, title on its side As.

The front page of the daily Marca after Mbappé’s nose injury, 06/17/2024 – Screenshot Marca
The front page of the daily As website after Mbappé’s nose injury, 06/17/2024 – Screenshot As

The Spanish media are not the only ones to tremble since the same lexical field is used in Great Britain. “Blood, sweat and applause,” writes the Daily Mail, which still slips in a little compliment to the French for their narrow success.

Concern has crossed the Atlantic

On the other side of the Channel, the BBC, The Telegraph and The Sun also put Mbappé at the top of their website. The same goes for the Italian press, with Gazzetta Dello Sport and Tuttosport. Each time, all of these media remain cautious and factual, content to evoke serious concern for Mbappé.

Questions surrounding his state of health have also crossed the Atlantic. Yet not concerned by this Euro, the South American media, currently in full preparation for the Copa America, are also reporting this information on the front page of their site. In Argentina, the Nacion wonders if Mbappé will be fit for the rest of the competition. Same story in Brazil with Globo, which underlines that the Mbappé case “worries France”.

This Monday evening, Mbappé quickly left the stadium with a mask on his face. The Blues striker went for examinations at the Düsseldorf hospital. A decision on whether to operate (or not) will be made based on the results. In the event of an operation, a recovery before the end of the Euro could be complicated.

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