the last echoes before the semi-finals of the 4 Cantons and Villeneuve-sur-Lot

the last echoes before the semi-finals of the 4 Cantons and Villeneuve-sur-Lot
the last echoes before the semi-finals of the 4 Cantons and Villeneuve-sur-Lot

What is the latest news from the Cantonniers and the Bastide players? We take stock.

4 Cantons BHAP: fractures and concussion

The match against dense Nantuatiens, this Sunday on the Bort-les-Orgues pitch, left its mark. Particularly at number 9 where the plum and white club has some damage to deplore.

Victim of a head shock after an uncontrolled tackle from the center of Nantua Gavidi (67e), Guillaume Dao took exams this Monday and they are final. The scrum-half suffered four fractures to his face and saw his season end. A little earlier in the game, Xavier Lantin had to leave his partners for a concussion. If he is not available for the semi-final against Montmélian, Sunday June 23, the quarter-final holder can hope for a return for a possible final after having been examined by a federal doctor.

Benoît Vincent remains the last option for the position. Although affected in one shoulder, the last examinations were reassuring.

As for the location of the meeting, nothing had yet been decided on this Monday, the central (Puy-de-Dôme?) or southern hypotheses were still on the table.

RC Villeneuve XV: Meaux lodged a complaint

Winners in complete control of Pays de Meaux (22-10) this Sunday, the Villeneuvois of President Colombini were able to celebrate their historic qualification on the lawn of the Châteauroux stadium where the quarter-final took place.



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