The MR of Neupré presented his list for the municipal elections in October 2024

The MR of Neupré presented his list for the municipal elections in October 2024
The MR of Neupré presented his list for the municipal elections in October 2024

”It is an immense pleasure to lead such a team which brings together men and women young and old from all our villages. It combines experience and renewal. Twelve of our fourteen agents are once again ready to roll up their sleeves to defend our project. We were also joined by new profiles. Half of the candidates will experience their first election. They are perfectly complementary to the team in place with their skills and the relays they have in civil society (neighborhood committees, sports clubs, schools, etc.). They all showed their support for the action of the team in place, as well as the vision and perspectives that it has been defending for 7 years”proudly declares Virginie Defrang-Firket, mayor and head of the list.

The 4 members of the college again on the list

Thus, the four members of the current college return to the first four places. As a reminder, since 2017, in addition to the mayorate, the MR has notably managed works, town planning, mobility, the environment, sports, finances, childhood and culture. We will therefore find in second place the deputy alderman Mathieu Bihet, followed by Sandra Caprasse and finally Charles-André Verschueren.

Here is the rest of the list:

5. Manon COUNE

6. Philippe MOREAU


8. Charly THIELEN

9. Heike DAVIN

10. Pierre-Hugues HANSENNE

11. Stephanie MAENHOUT

12. William XHIGNESSE

13. Julie LABEILLE

14. Jérémie VAN DEN ABEELE

15. Théa DAUBIT

16. Henry TALMAZAN

17. still undefined

18. Frederic HERBILLON

19. Bénédicte VANDENDAELE

20. Françoise DELAMINNE DE BEX

21. Cédric JADOT



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