Policy. soon to be ungovernable? Yaël Braun-Pivet’s response

Policy. soon to be ungovernable? Yaël Braun-Pivet’s response
Policy. France soon to be ungovernable? Yaël Braun-Pivet’s response

The President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, will be in Haute-Savoie on Friday and Saturday, mainly to talk about the fight against violence against women and the care of women victims of violence.

During the interview, we also asked her about the political climate in the coming days. Here is the question from Dauphiné Libéré. And his response.

With the threat of a motion of censure before the National Assembly, next week does not look easy for you. How do you see the future? Will be ungovernable?

“Whatever happens, the National Assembly will continue to function and fulfill its mission. It is important, there is continuity of democratic life. I take things as they come and I hope that the government, by listening to Parliament, can find the path to compromise and can present a budget which satisfies, in part, the demands of all. others. It is important, the National Assembly is representative of the last popular expression of our compatriots. They expressed a message at the polls in July, they elected representatives who put forward budget proposals. The government and the Prime Minister must take this into account. I think there is a way for the government to continue its action in the service of the French. I'm not one of those who think censorship is inevitable. »




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