The Geneva Chamber Orchestra renews itself over time

The Geneva Chamber Orchestra renews itself over time
The Geneva Chamber Orchestra renews itself over time

The season is not yet over for the Geneva Chamber Orchestra with beautiful summer moments to come, but the DNA of the next season has already been presented.

In 2024/2025, the OCG will renew itself with water, as an element at the heart of its musical season. Raphaël Merlin, artistic director of the Geneva Chamber Orchestra, justifies this choice: “Water has always been a real engine of inspiration for creators and musicians, for singing and instrumentation and the orchestra. .. you find that in every style and every era.

The field of possibilities appears almost infinite. “Water is a sound world in itself… sometimes it’s pretextual, sometimes it’s right in the musical organ,” recalls Raphäel Merlin before announcing the color: “We’re going to drown ourselves in music This year!”

“We’re going to drown ourselves in music this year!” – Raphaël Merlin

From its “beautiful boat”, the Building of the Motive Forces, the OCG will bring unique moments in Geneva to life throughout the canton. Renowned for breaking the codes, the Geneva orchestra will remain faithful to its values: to bring “real moments of sharing” to life throughout the season.

Before this renewal placed under the sign of water, the Geneva Chamber Orchestra will resound in particular at the BFM this Tuesday, June 18 with the baritone Stéphane Ganz, but also on June 22 from 8:30 p.m. in the Courtyard of the Palais de Justice for the Festival de la Musique, or on July 15 on the Ella Fitzgerald stage at Parc la Grange.




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