Avranches: under construction, rue des Sorbiers is being transformed

Avranches: under construction, rue des Sorbiers is being transformed
Avranches: under construction, rue des Sorbiers is being transformed


Editorial La Gazette de la Manche

Published on

June 17, 2024 at 5:04 p.m.

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Rue des Sorbiers in Avranches will benefit from a complete redevelopment with the establishment of a new direction of traffic, a cycle lane, and the erasure of the networks.

The preparatory meeting for this project scheduled for this summer also revealed the need to renovate the sanitation and drinking water supply networks. Thus, the work started earlier, on June 4, 2024.

In testing phase

At the end of the work, the direction of traffic of the street, currently being tested, will be definitively adopted.

Indeed, the street has been one-way since the end of April along a west/east axis, i.e. from Boulevard du Luxembourg towards Rue de la 4e DBA. A two-way cycle lane has been created on one side of the road.

“If this test phase is conclusive, it will be made permanent with the addition of a pedestrian strip, based on the model of rue de Verdun”

specifies the municipality

The stages of the construction site

  • Sanitation and drinking water supply works: from June 4 to July 19 by the company Sturno under project management by the Mont Saint-Michel Normandy urban community and the SMPGA.
  • Summer break from July 22 to August 23.
  • Network erasure work (electrical and telecom) and renovation of public lighting from August 26 to September 20, 2024
  • Road development from September 23 to October 31, 2024
Videos: currently on Actu

Traffic and parking

During this period, traffic and parking are prohibited with the exception of emergency services and construction vehicles. Only local residents can access their homes. Access to Allée des Sobriers will be difficult.

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