Stuckange. Gas leak following a torn pipe: five houses evacuated

Stuckange. Gas leak following a torn pipe: five houses evacuated
Stuckange. Gas leak following a torn pipe: five houses evacuated

It was while carrying out work that a construction machine accidentally tore out a gas pipe, located rue Nationale in Stuckange.

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Since 2 p.m., this Monday, June 17, around fifteen firefighters, from the Metzervisse and Yutz centers, have been hard at work taking measures and putting in place the weather protection system for the GRDF teams from plug the leak.

As a precaution, the gas supply was suspended. Five homes were evacuated, or six people. No injuries were reported. Please note, however, that traffic on this usually busy route is, for the moment, cut off.

At 4:15 p.m., the intervention was about to end. GRDF agents still had to carry out checks in the five homes concerned before putting the gas back into operation.



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