Legislative elections 2024. North: who will be candidate in your constituency?

Legislative elections 2024. North: who will be candidate in your constituency?
Legislative elections 2024. North: who will be candidate in your constituency?

2nd Northern constituency: Ugo Bernalicis (outgoing MP, New Popular Front), Pascale Rougée, Claire Guenon, Étienne Testart, Philippe Guérard, Violette Salanon and Caroline Boisard-Vannier.

3rd northern constituency: Sandra Delannoy, Louis Mahieu, Benjamin Saint-Huile (outgoing MP, LFIO) and Marie-Claude Rondeaux.

4th Northern constituency: Damien Scali, Franck Boyaval, Brigitte Liso (Renaissance, outgoing MP), Sébastien Leblanc, Nicolas le Naître, Anne Morand, Charlotte Brun, Patrick Jardin and Fatima Abdellaoui.

5th Northern constituency: Chloé Olivereau, Raymond Covain, Victor Catteau (RN, outgoing deputy), Ophélie Delneste and Sébastien Huyghe.

6th Northern constituency: Célia Pereira, Jimi Erotico, Charlotte Parmentier-Lecocq (Renaissance, outgoing MP), Marie-Hélène Quatreboeufs and Frédéric Barrez.

7th Northern constituency: Félicie Gérard (outgoing MP, Horizon), Céline Sayah, Jean-Sébastien Willem, Nicolas Schuurman and Karima Chouia.

8th Northern constituency: Ethan Leys, David Guiraud (outgoing MP, New Popular Front), Tarik Mekki, Françoise Delbarre and Maël Camerlynck.

9th Northern constituency: Mathias Dhelin, Christine Landru, Violette Spillebout (outgoing MP, Renaissance), Valérie Talpaert, Frédéric Gruzon, Alice Pogam, Odile Vidal-Sagnier, Chantal Sarazin and Charles Delavenne.

10th Northern constituency: Bastien Verbrugghe, Jérôme Garcia, Gustave Viguie-Desplaces, Leslie Mortreux, Gérald Darmanin (outgoing MP, Renaissance), Marcellin Brazon and Christophe Charlon.

11th Northern constituency: Ingrid Brulant-Fortin, Jonathan Wilson, Maxime Moulin, Roger Vicot, Robin Coupigny and Carole Bailleul. Outgoing MP Vincent Ledoux (Renaissance) is not running for re-election.

12th North constituency: Laurent Lehrhaupt, Bernard Baudoux, Sébastien Seguin, Michael Taverne (outgoing MP, RN) and Isabelle Prevost.

13th North constituency: Julien Gokel, Clément Bézine, Maxence Accart and Damien Lacroix. The outgoing MP, Christine Decodts (Renaissance), is not running for re-election.

14th North constituency: Anne-Lise Perche, Philippine Heyman, Jean-Baptiste Gardes, Sandrine Desrayaud and Paul Christophe (outgoing MP, Renaissance).

15th North constituency: Pierrick Berteloot (outgoing RN deputy), Émilie Ducourant, Jean-Pierre Bataille and Benjamin Dubiez.

16th North constituency: Mathieu Marchio (outgoing deputy, RN), François Cresta, Alain Bruneel and Eric Pecqueur.

17th North constituency: Thierry Tesson (RN), Loïck Brouazin, Frédéric Chéreau, Guillaume Honoré and Cédric Fluckiger. The outgoing deputy, Thibault François (RN) is only representing himself as a substitute for Thierry Tesson.

18th North constituency: Alexandre Dufosset, Benoît Maréchal, Nicolas Siegler and Nadine Reynaert. The outgoing MP, Guy Bricout (LIOT) is not running for re-election.

19th North constituency: Cédric Brun, Sébastien Chenu (outgoing MP, RN), Franck Watelet, Djemi Drici and Cécile Bourlet.

20th North constituency: Guillaume Florquin, Elisabeth Gondy, Pierre-Luc Vervandier, Fabien Roussel (outgoing MP, New Popular Front) and Dimitri Mozdzierz.

21st North constituency: Pierrick Colpin, Édith Duquesnoy, Laurent Lasselin, Laurence Bara, Séverine Duminy and Valérie Létard. Outgoing MP Béatrice Descamps (LIOT) is not running for re-election.



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