Legislative elections 2024: in Gard, one of the candidates supported by the RN, targeted by a judicial investigation, finally sidelined

Legislative elections 2024: in Gard, one of the candidates supported by the RN, targeted by a judicial investigation, finally sidelined
Legislative elections 2024: in Gard, one of the candidates supported by the RN, targeted by a judicial investigation, finally sidelined

Emmanuel Espanol, candidate presented as support for Eric Ciotti and supported by the RN in the 5th constituency of Gard, is withdrawing from the elections after the discovery of the existence of a judicial investigation against him.

This is a surprise announcement, communicated this Monday, June 17. Only a few hours after validation of all applications by the prefecture.

Emmanuel Espanol, candidate presented as supporting Eric Ciotti and positioned in the 5th constituency of Gard with the support of the RN, will ultimately not be a candidate of the extreme right in the Cévennes territory.

Targeted by a judicial investigation

First established in Oise, where he was the chief of staff of the mayor of Noyon, Emmanuel Espanol is the subject of an investigation for organized gang fraud, according to our colleagues at Oise Hebdo. Justice would be interested in alleged false invoices presented by this business manager for services not or partially performed.

Read also :
Legislative 2024: Emmanuel Espanol, the LR RN candidate in Gard, would be the subject of an investigation for fraud

Although the matter is not clearly highlighted by the RN, everything suggests that it is at the center of this sidelining. “This candidate should have been really transparent about his pedigree“, whispers a Gard executive from Marine Le Pen’s party, indicating that he was aware of this affair “through the press”.

For the 5e Gard constituency, the National Rally now indicates that it supports the candidacy of Alexandre Allegret-Pilot, whom the party presents as another supporter of Eric Ciotti. Five other candidates remain in the race for deputy in this constituency: the outgoing LFI deputy Michel Sala for the new popular front, Léa Boyer (LR), Agnès Olinet (Lutte Ouvrière), Catherine Daufès-Roux (Renaissance) and Nordine Tria ( civil society).



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