the town hall wants to revitalize the city center

the town hall wants to revitalize the city center
the town hall wants to revitalize the city center

This real resource place will offer residents the opportunity to discover in detail current initiatives and future urban developments. “The project office,” explains one…

This real resource place will offer residents the opportunity to discover in detail current initiatives and future urban developments. “The project office,” explains an elected official, “embodies the city’s commitment to informing and involving its citizens in this transformation process. »

Saint-André is transformed. The municipality wants to place the quality of life of residents at the heart of its concerns. It has thus embarked on an ambitious project to revitalize its city center, to the tune of 3,400,000 euros, which aims to transform the heart of the city, in particular by creating islands of freshness with more green spaces.

“Discover how this city is renewing itself, combining modernity, heritage conservation and beautification of its public spaces,” argues the town hall. The Saint-André-de-Cubzac city center revitalization project will breathe new life into the heart of the city. From Cours Clemenceau to Place Raoul-Larche, via Rue Nationale, the roads will be redeveloped to offer more green spaces, the objective being to make the center more attractive, by promoting gentle travel and improving transport. accessibility to shops.

Renovated housing

Addressing heat islands is integrated into the design, with solutions to retain existing trees and create fertile soil. “Saint-André does not just renovate, but reinvents its future. The project includes the creation of new affordable housing, support for housing renovation, and the fight against poor housing. The City is striving to create a more peaceful living environment and at the same time, a digital hub supported by the Community of Communes of Grand Cubzaguais will see the light of day on Dantagnan Street. These works in the city center will take place from July 2024 to completion in July 2025.



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