Tourism promotion soon to be shared

Tourism promotion soon to be shared
Tourism promotion soon to be shared

Magnac-Bourg. At the community council on Thursday, May 23. The elected officials of the Briance Sud Haute-Vienne community council met in an ordinary session at the Magnac-Bourg village hall on Thursday, May 23.

Tourism. During this session, the council gave its agreement to authorize the president to sign a pooling agreement in the interest of promoting tourism in the Haute-Vienne territory between the SPL Terres de Limousin, the tourist office of Briance Sud Haute-Vienne and the Briance Sud Haute-Vienne community of communes. The president specifies that this agreement will be signed on Tuesday June 25 in Pierre-Buffière.

Agriculture. The Aux Champs de la Briance association, made up of several local farmers, is carrying out a project for a processing workshop and a producers’ store. The community council decided to support the feasibility study for this project.

Real estate. Concerning the Martoulet relay workshop, the community council gave its agreement so that this real estate complex whose lessee is SCI Martoulet Formations be sublet for the benefit of GEIQ Transport Nouvelle-Aquitaine which is already established in the ZAE intercommunale du Martoulet in Saint-Germain-les-Belles.

Roads. At the road level, the president is authorized to launch a consultation for road maintenance work within the framework of a multi-awardee framework agreement type market.

Job. It was also decided to create a position of head of ACM (collective reception of minors) with a view to launching a recruitment operation in order to replace the current head of the ACM of Magnac-Bourg who will assert her rights to the retirement by the end of the year.

Environment. In the area of ​​the environment, the community council gave its agreement to authorize the president to sign a support agreement with the eco-organization Citeo for the fight against abandoned waste. Miscellaneous. It was also decided to renew Epci’s membership in intercommunalités de France (Assembly of Communities of France) for the year 2024.



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