24 candidates in working order for the legislative elections

order of appearance

In the first constituency, there are seven candidates in order of appearance: the outgoing LFI deputy Pascale Martin for the New Popular Front (NFP); Béranger Desport-Namur, 20 years old, LR; Antoine Coutou, from Carsac-de-Gurson, Reconquête (ex-candidate for the 3rd constituency in 2022); Nadine Lechon, 61, from Fleix, RN; Jonathan Almosnino, LO; Clément Tonon, presidential majority and finally, the one whose candidacy we were unaware of, the Périgourdin Stéphane Lambert, 13th on the Free France list with Francis Lalanne.

In the public, at the prefecture, the two Reconquête candidates, Antoine Coutou and Nathalie Ballerand, seated next to Fabien Marty, departmental secretary of the Republicans in Dordogne, and Myriam Thomasson, LR candidate from Saint-Sulpice-d’Excideuil.

Stéphane Klein/SO

In the second constituency, five candidates are in the running: Michel Delpon for the presidential majority (former LREM deputy from 2017 to 2022); Josie Bayle, LR; Lise Khelfaoui, LO; Christophe Cathus, NFP socialist, and Serge Muller, outgoing RN deputy.

In the third constituency, five candidates will compete: Myriam Thomasson, LR; Christelle Druillole, NFP socialist; Florence Joubert, RN departmental referent; the outgoing deputy Modem Jean-Pierre Cubertafon, presidential majority, and Jacques Decoupy, LO.

Finally in the fourth constituency, there are seven candidates: Nathalie Ballerand, Reconquest departmental delegate; Jérôme Peyrat, without label; the outgoing environmentalist deputy Sébastien Peytavie, NFP; François Tourné, presidential majority; Anne-Catherine Balland, LR; Christophe Green-Madéo, LO, and Dominique-Louise Marchaudon, RN.

The draw took place in public, at the Dordogne prefecture.

Stéphane Klein/SO



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