“I want to speak out for republican values,” explains Geneviève Darrieussecq

“I want to speak out for republican values,” explains Geneviève Darrieussecq
“I want to speak out for republican values,” explains Geneviève Darrieussecq

DLast Wednesday, the outgoing deputy of the presidential majority, Geneviève Darrieussecq, submitted her candidacy for the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. Accompanied by her deputy, Fabien Lainé – also mayor of Sanguinet – the former minister does not want to waste a second to convince in this first constituency of Landes. “We have to go back into battle because the situation is very serious for our democracy, for our country,” says the Landes elected official.

The astonishment of the Sunday evening of the European elections passed, with a “black card from France that hits the guts”, Geneviève Darrieussecq returns “to the fight very determined”. “I want to speak out for republican values,” she continues…

DLast Wednesday, the outgoing deputy of the presidential majority, Geneviève Darrieussecq, submitted her candidacy for the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. Accompanied by her deputy, Fabien Lainé – also mayor of Sanguinet – the former minister does not want to waste a second to convince in this first constituency of Landes. “We have to go back into battle because the situation is very serious for our democracy, for our country,” says the Landes elected official.

The astonishment of the Sunday evening of the European elections passed, with a “black card from France that hits the guts”, Geneviève Darrieussecq returns “to the fight very determined”. “I want to speak out for republican values,” she continues.

“A deception of voters”

The former minister remains confident about the outcome of this early election. But she has difficulty hiding her “immense anger at seeing the blocks that have been formed”. “The Ciotti episode was mind-boggling. It was quickly disavowed by right-wing leaders,” she analyzes.

She is even less tender with the left bloc. “The circus begins again,” she whispers. “I experienced Nupes. These are people who don’t agree on anything. LFI elected officials have messed up the National Assembly by not respecting any rules. Agitators, anti-Semitic comments. It is a party which is no longer within the scope of the Republic. »

She protests against this alliance of what she describes as “a club of five who sat around the table and who decided that everything was fine”. “It’s scandalous and it’s a deception of voters,” she continues. They lure them with unrealistic solutions. »

The former minister looks back on her career: “Twenty years since I entered public action. I have humanist, democratic values. I never compromised myself. I have always kept my values. I have never made an alliance with people who do not have my values. The Republic is in danger and everyone continues to do their electoral cooking to keep a few positions. And this by basing ourselves on these values.”

She does not renounce her commitment

Since 2017, the former mayor of Mont-de-Marsan has been involved with President Emmanuel Macron. “I don’t think everything was done well. There were things my group disagreed with. But there is a balance sheet that is present,” she says. “We have made sure to create additional jobs, to allow salary increases, purchasing power maintained despite inflation, justice and the police had additional budgets. We implemented all of this even if things were missing on arrival. We must continue. I am in no way denying what was done. »

Even if she understands “this feeling of abandonment and downgrading” that some may feel in the countryside for the benefit of the metropolises. Just like “these permanent stabs” that we carry out against Landes cultural traditions “with a feeling that we are being told that we are the bad guys”.

She supports her argument sweeping away “Everything except Macron”. “The only thing I fear is the arrival of extremes in France. We can blame the President of the Republic for things, but we can say nothing about republican values. The hand is given to the voters. » A very rapid campaign during which the outgoing majority member also wants to erase “this miserable vision that we want to give of France”.

Geneviève Darrieussecq does not hide her “great anger” at the situation.

Matthew Sartre

She also appeals to abstainers. “I think there are priorities. The priority is to vote. Voting is the basis of our democracy. Today, there are facilities for making proxies. » A way of brushing aside criticism regarding the dates chosen for holding these partial legislative elections.

For two weeks – as during the previous renewal in 2022 – Geneviève Darrieussecq will travel the roads of this first constituency to meet voters. Like Friday evening, at the Pays Producteurs de Mont-de-Marsan market, where she made her first official outing as part of this campaign.

“The time is too serious, we need everyone,” she insists. A public meeting should be organized during this express campaign. “I’m considering doing one.” I have things to say to everyone,” she concludes.

Support from François Bayrou

The boss of the MoDem, François Bayrou, will be passing through the Landes and more particularly in Mont-de-Marsan to support the candidates of the outgoing majority, in particular the two MoDems, namely: Geneviève Darrieussecq (first constituency) and Tom Gillet Duffrechou (third constituency). The latter is the parliamentary assistant of Florence Lasserre, MoDem deputy for Bayonne. He is launching a legislative campaign for the first time.



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